<x-charset windows-1255>2 January 2003
My name is Itzchak Wunsch from ISRAEL.
My father name is Dov Wunsch (also can be: Brnant or Bernard) born at 20
June 1931 in Halmeu, Transylvania, Romania. Dov immigrated to Israel at
My grandmother (Dov Wunsch mother and Josef Wunsch wife) name is Shari
(Eugenia) Wunsch (Bercovici before married) born at18 September 1914 in
Halmeu, Transylvania, Romania. Her parents were Dov Ber (David) and Rivka
My great-grandfather Dov Ber (David) Bercovici (My grandmother Shari father)
was apparently born somewhere in "Russia". When he met my great-grandmother
Rivka Shpigel he was already widower and had 3 children.
My great-grandmother Rivka Bercovici (Shpigel before married) was born in
Halmeu, Transylvania, Romania and had two brothers and one sister that
immigrated to America at approximately 1900.
My grandmother Shari (Eugenia) Bercovici had three brothers: Hori (Shmil
Haim in Yiddish), Marton (Israel Gdalia in Yiddish), Yesha'ayahu and two
sisters: Hanna and Gita (Gizi in Yiddish or Tova in Hebrew).
Hanna was married with Jozef Tauber. They had seven children.
My great-grandmother Rivka and her daughter Hanna and all the seven children
killed at Auschwitz camp.
After WWII Hori immigrated to Israel and then to New York with his wife Uoli
and his children: Jonathan, Dov and Frida.
After WWII Marton immigrated to Israel and then to Canada with his wife
Yesha'ayahu lives in Israel. He is a Rabbi. His wife name was Yafa.
Yesha'ayahu changed is surname to Barkai.
Gita immigrated to Israel with her second husband (surname Zalicovitz) and
with her two children Dov and Shalom from her first husband (surname Kimel)
and she was living in Petah Tikva.
My grandmother Shari immigrated to Israel with her second husband Gedlyau
Himan after WWII at 1948. At 1960 they immigrate to New York and at
approximately 1970 came back to Israel.
My grandfather Josef (also can be: Josif or Ioska or Jozef) Wunsch (Shari
Bercovici first husband) born at 1903 in Bistrita Nasaud, Transylvania,
In 1931 he was lived in Bucharest, Romania and working as journalist at two
newspapers. One was the ADEVARUL EVREESC (or ADEVERUL EVREESC) and the
second was DIMINEATA (maybe he used the name VUIU).
In 1940 He was lived in Budapest, Hungary and working as journalist at ESTI
UJSAG in the political department under the name VIRAG JOSEF.
Were can I find details about this newspapers?
Were can I find articles that wrote by him?
Josef had apartment in Kuzraktap Utca 22 in Budapest.
Josef was killed in Hungarian Labour Battalion (Unit 108/70 TMSZ) in
Ukraine, at 13 January 1943.
My great-grandfather (Josef father) name was Benjamin Wunsch, born in
Galicia in a place call Kolomea.
My great-grandmother (Josef mother) name was Minda Wunsch (Heller before
married) born in Sadgura, Bukowina, Ukraine.
Josef had 3 brothers and one sister (all born in Bistrita Nasaud,
Transylvania, Romania):
Sister - Meddy Wunsch (date of born and died unknown). Meddy was
married with Alek (I don't know his surname) and they had a farm in Botosan,
Brother - Israel Wunsch b.13/08/1913, d.10/01/1985 (Israel), immigrate
to Israel in 1940.
Brother - Zvi-Hirsh Wunsch b. 1907, d. 1946 in Bistrita Nasaud,
Transylvania, Romania after WWII.
Brother - Shimon Wunsch b. 1899, d. 1944 in Metauzen camp.
Shimon wife was Rivka (Shuner before married, place of born unknown) b.
1903, d. 1944 at Auschwitz camp.
Shimon and Rivka had 3 children (all born in Bistrita Nasaud, Transylvania,
Hana Wunsch b. 1928, d. 1944 at Auschwitz camp.
Rene Wunsch b. 1925, d. 1944 at Auschwitz camp.
Efraim Wunsch b.1929, d. 1944 at Auschwitz camp.
I'm looking for any piece of information about my grandfather Josef Wunsch
or any of Wunsch, Heller and Bercovici family.
I will appreciate to receive any information that you can give me.
Itzchak Wunsch
4A Haron Ben Yosef Street
Kiryat Ata
+ 972 - 4 - 8441412
+ 972 - 58 - 741172
Received on 2003-01-05 09:42:47
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