Re: Austro-Hungarian army records (fwd)

From: Bruce Reisch <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 08:13:14 -0400

<x-flowed>I am forwarding a post (below) from JewishGen in partial answer to
your questions. While the web sites referred to below do not specify
where records are kept, they do give some background on Jewish
soldiers in the Austro-Hungarian army.

At 23:11 +0000 4/9/03, Adam wrote:
>You know, I'd additionally be interested in any information about Jewish
>recruitment into the Kaisers army, particularly whether the recruits were
>volunteers or if they were impressed into service. I'd suspect the
>former, since it seems most Jews in Bukowina were fond of the Kaiser.
>Thank you,
>Adam Muntner
>Muntner, Frum (from Czernowicz, Sadagora, and the surrounding area)

Posted on JewishGen:
Some of you may want to visit a website that was just announced in the
latest set of messages I've received from the EEJH mail group. This
website, using information provided by Dr. Felix A. Theilhaber, concerns
Jewish aviators who flew and fought for Germany during WW I. Dr.
Theilhaber wrote and published a book about Jewish aviators during that
war which was not well received. He later settled in Palestine. See:


The presentations have notes and pictures of Willie Rosenstein, Wilhelm
Frankel Friedrich Rudenberg, Fritz Beckhardt, Berthold Guthmann, and
Immanuel Saul. This website's viewers are invited to share what they may
know about Jewish fighter pilots during the "Great War."

The site also has a link to still another relevant URL entitled "Jewish
Quandary." It concerns Jewish soldiers of the German/Austrian/Hungarian
Empires. See:


 From this URL one can "click" to two sub-sites, one about German Jewish
soldiers, and the other about Austro-Hungarian Jewish soldiers.

Naomi Fatouros (nee FELDMAN)
Bloomington, Indiana

Received on 2003-04-10 09:09:35

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