czernowitz-l webpage update 19 Apr.

From: jerome schatten <>
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 23:04:42 -0700
To: "" <>

Greetings Czernowitzers!

A few new things have been added to the site, namely:

1) New postcards from Jane Reifer;

2) A section devoted to personal pages of
list members, with a sample page. This is
the space for us to post things that need to be
kept together like stories with accompanying pictures,
series of linked photos with captions, trip
journals, genealogical information, your list bio
if you so choose, your Czernowitz connections, etc.

As an example, if you were resident in Czernowitz
at any time, your recollections would be a
worthwhile and exciting addition to the site.
If your family passed down such recollections, it
would be history preserved -- a monument to those
who came before you.

If you need help writing in English, that is not a
problem -- staff at the website can work with you
so that your material can be published;

and finally, there are...

3) Instructions on how to submit material for
the website.

Best regards,

Received on 2003-04-20 09:48:34

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