About the younger Bukovinians

From: uli <uli_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Sun, 01 Jun 2003 19:37:10 +0200
To: CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: uli_at_netvision.net.il

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      <P dir=ltr align=left><FONT color=#800000 size=4><B>The World Organization
      of Bukovinian Jews</B></FONT><I>Tel Aviv, 12 Arnon St,</I>
      t<I>elephone 972 3 5526619, fax 972 3 5250965,</I> <I>POB 3653 Tel
      Aviv, Israel</I></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<P class=MsoNormal dir=ltr
style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-INDENT: 36pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; unicode-bidi: embed"><FONT
size=5></FONT><B><FONT face="Arial Narrow" color=#ff0000 size=6>Dear
<P class=MsoNormal dir=ltr
style="DIRECTION: ltr; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; unicode-bidi: embed; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">
<FONT size=4>The Bukovina Jews World Union – organization that was created about
sixty years ago – is now “rejuvenated”. </FONT></P>
<P class=MsoBodyTextIndent dir=ltr><SPAN style="LINE-HEIGHT: 150%"><FONT
size=4> In all
these years the organization has attended to increase the number of its members
in order to keep the cultural heritage, and the spiritual Judaic values, in
which the Jewish natives of </FONT><FONT size=4>Bukovina have been grown and
educated. It publishes "Die Stimme" - a monthly in German
<P class=MsoNormal dir=ltr
style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-INDENT: 36pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; unicode-bidi: embed; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><FONT
size=4>But, as the time went by – a natural phenomenon – the organization,
included its leaders, became “elder”. Its members are retired, most of them are
old. At every meeting of the organization everybody can see that the
participants’ average age is about 80 years. </FONT></P>
<P class=MsoNormal dir=ltr
style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-INDENT: 36pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; unicode-bidi: embed; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><FONT
size=4>Last year, it was shown at the Union’s General Meeting that the time has
arrived for the second and third generations of Bukovinians (children and
nephews of the Bukovina natives) to be drawn into the organization, in order to
keep the rich heritage of the Bukovinian culture, organizations,
<P class=MsoNormal dir=ltr
style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-INDENT: 36pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; unicode-bidi: embed; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><FONT
size=4>Therefore we apply to the old Bukovina natives – both from Israel and
from abroad – to help us keep in touch with their children and nephews. We would
like to bring these heirs of the Bukovinian Jewish culture to our organization,
for preparing themselves to take the relay race from their parents and
grandparents. </FONT></P>
<P class=MsoNormal dir=ltr
style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-INDENT: 36pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; unicode-bidi: embed; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><FONT
size=4>We are planning to organize the first meeting of the “Continuer
Generation” this very year, as well as talking about other activities connected
to “Dor Emshech”. Presentation webpages are prepared of the “Continuer
Generation” on our website (at the address <A
style="COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline; text-underline: single"
On the Internet a discussion group was founded, called “Dor Emschech Bukovina”,
in addition, social or professional meetings are taking place in specific towns
or region of the country.</FONT></P>
<P class=MsoNormal dir=ltr
style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-INDENT: 36pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; unicode-bidi: embed; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><FONT
size=4>Those who are interested in the activities of the “Continuer Generation”
are pleased to connect Mr. Joel Schlomiuk at the following number:
+972-3–5501907. </FONT></P>
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Received on 2003-06-01 19:31:52

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