C'z-L YAM (yet another map)

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 22:22:00 -0700
To: "czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu" <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-To: romers_at_shaw.ca


Another great map from Carl Ulrich and Bruce has
made it's way through the scanner and on to the

It's a very detailed map of the area around and
including Czernowitz apparently from a 1907
German atlas. Definitely worth a look if your
looking for obscure little villages from the
surrounds. As well there's lots of topgographic
info on the map. I think the original must have
been in colour from the way it reproduced.

Like the 1941 map, it came as a xerox copy (probably
a copy of a copy of a... ), but it is still surprisingly
readable. It's about 1.5 megabytes on the website. Again,
the joining of the six inidual scans is not perfect,
but I think it acceptable.

I shall commit the high resolution versions to the
same CD as the 1941 map along with the original
bitmapped scans and composites in different file

Received on 2003-06-23 08:18:15

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