Re: Czernowitz and Chernivtsi final version

From: <>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 12:26:45 -0400

I was moved and very much appreciated reading Mimi Taylor's account of her
trip to Czernowitz/Chernivtsi and region. However, I took exception to the
comments she made regarding Rabbi Kofmansky. My own experience with him
was very positive. He went way out of his way to make it possible for me
to put up a monument at the site of the mass grave in Kisilev-Borivtsy
where lie three of my grandparents, he accompanied me on several visits to
these villages and acted as my interpreter, he arranged for the
consecration ceremony to take place in time before my scheduled departure
from Chernivtsi and for the presence of a minyan so that kaddish could be
said for the first time in that place, and he asked for no personal
monetary compensation for all his efforts - though I insisted on
compensating him for the time he dedicated to helping me. I found him
quite meticulous and trustworthy in handling the minimal payments I had to
make for the stone, the engraver of the placques and the cost of a driver
for the visits to Kisilev-Borivtsy. Moreover, as I had given him copies of
the burial registries of the Chernivtsi cemetery, he arranged with people
he knew at the University of Chernivtsi to input in a database the 17,000
names that were in Cyrillic - and he did this on a voluntary basis! I do
not know what Mimi's experience was that she formed so negative an
impression, but I feel I must put on record that my own experience with Rav
Kofmansky was wholly positive.

Alti Rodal

                      milton Taylor
                      < To: "" <>
> cc:
                      Sent by: Subject: Czernowitz and Chernivtsi final version
                      2003-07-04 03:23 PM
                      Please respond to

Mimi Taylor wrote:

Dear Friends,

Thanks to all of you who wrote me after you received the unfinished,
unedited version of the account of my recent trip. Our grandchildren
are staying with us, so I have been able to write only at night or when
they nap. I have finally finished the letter. The changes to the part
which you already received are mainly in the format, so you might
want to read only the three or four last pages. All the best, Mimi

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