<x-flowed>Dear Friends:
I'd like to give you a quick update on the project to create a
searchable database from the registers recording burials in the
Jewish cemetery in Czernowitz.
On October 4, I began sending out image files (via email) to a group
of volunteers. Some data files were returned the very next day, and
a few volunteers are already working on their second batch. We are
starting with the letter "G", 1906-1948 and continuing in the order
by which the registers were organized. (We'll be skipping around the
alphabet, and then working at time on Parcel by Parcel, non
alphabetized listings). The next letter we'll start on is "H".
We've had a few minor problem distributing files via email, but
nothing insurmountable. But I'm pleased to report that in the few
short days since indexing began we have entered 845 names. Just five
volunteers have contributed so far, but more image files have been
distributed, and the number of names entered should climb
dramatically over time. But we're off to a great start.
If you volunteered already but haven't heard from me - let me know.
I may have lost your name along the way. On the other hand, if you
are a new list member and would like to volunteer to help create a
free, searchable database of Czernowitz cemetery burials, here is a
job description for our volunteers:
1. You must abide by the terms contained in a volunteer agreement
form, and confirm via email your acceptance of these terms.
2. You must have good eyesight. You are being asked to transcribe
directly from the computer screen into an Excel file, or to print out
each image for use.
3. While no special language skills are necessary besides a command
of the Latin alphabet, you will need to be able to read (or train
yourself to read) old style handwriting*. The registers were created
after 1906 and notes are either in German or Romanian. Both
languages use the Latin alphabet, and some of the handwriting is
difficult to read.
*References on understanding old handwriting:
4. You should have a recent version of Microsoft Excel on your
computer. Both Macintosh and PC versions are acceptable.
5. You should have the ability to receive 4 or more attached files by
email, each 100-400 K in size.
6. An Excel template will be supplied with the first batch of images,
as attached files via email.
None of this would be possible without the efforts of the Jewish
Genealogical Soc. of Ottawa, Canada, and we thank them for their
efforts to obtain these registers and to digitally photograph all the
tombstones in Czernowitz, Sadagora, and Hotin.
With best wishes for the New Year,
RADAUTZ: http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/radauti/radautz.html
SADGURA: http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/sadgura/sadgura.html
Researching: REISCH, SCHECHTER, FEUERSTEIN - Sadgura, Bukowina, Ukraine
Solca, Bukowina, Romania
WEISSMAN - Brody, Galicia, Ukraine SCHACHTER, HELLMANN - Okup, Ukraine
Received on 2003-10-09 12:31:14
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