<x-flowed>Dear Czernowitzers:
Individuals who have posted off topic have been asked to stop, but in
spite of this have continued to post off topic. This matter has
gotten completely out of hand. List co-owner, Carl Ulrich, and I
discussed the situation, and here is our plan:
First of all, please keep in mind the purpose of this list.
Once again:
"Members of Czernowitz-L are interested in the genealogy and history
of the Jewish community of Czernowitz, and the nearby shtetl,
We do not define this topic broadly to include the future of Jewry,
the Jewish state, etc. There are other lists and discussion groups
for those subjects, but our purpose is narrowly and specifically
focused on Czernowitz, Sadagora, and occasionally the rest of the
Bukowina as well - Genealogy and History of these Jewish Communities.
We have 150 members on our List. Mail sent to our list address goes
to all 150 members and everyone simply cannot do their own thing. It
defeats the purpose of our List.
Therefore, from this point on this, off topic discussion is hereby
closed. No more discussion on this issue will accepted. Anyone
posting off topic in the future will be removed from the list for a
period of two weeks. If after the member returns to the list, there
is a repetition of this behavior, they will be permanently removed
from the list. Those posting messages that are derogatory or
defaming in anyway will be permanently removed without warning.
If you receive a private email from an individual, do not forward it
to the list without their permission.
If you need to discuss this further, you are free to post a private
message to the list owner or the co owner, but any message on this
posted to the List will result in a two week suspension.
You are always free to post private messages to anyone on the list
and anyone else you know. But our list will be headed toward failure
if we start losing members due to off topic and/or rude posts.
Now please let's go back where we left off, sharing our mutual
interests, learning from one another, and working together to
preserve our history and of course, our friendship.
Bruce Reisch, list owner <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>
Carl Ulrich, list co-owner <culrich_at_incentre.net>
Received on 2004-02-11 08:57:57
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