Mogilev-Podolski transit camp

From: Renee Steinig <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 08:38:55 EST

Denise Azbill wrote...

<<During the war, my Glickman family members from Czernowitz were sent to
the Moghilev detention camp. Does anyone have any information about this
camp? Also, I am confused as to where exactly Moghilev is.>>

This sounds like Mogilev-Podolski (now Mohyliv-Podilskyy), 82 miles east of
Czernowitz -- not to be confused with the city of Mogilev (now Mahilyow) in
Belarus. The Germans captured Mogilev-Podolski in July 1941 and transferred
it to Rumanian control in Sept. 1941. The Rumanians established a ghetto
which by Dec. 1941 held 3,700 local Jews and 15,000 Jews who had been
expelled from Bessarabia and Bukovina. During the next six months, 1,250
Jews died there of typhoid. Thousands of Jews were subsequently expelled
from Mogilev-Podolski to surrounding towns; many died en route or when they
reached their destinations. (Source: Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and
During the Holocaust)


Renee Stern Steinig
Received on 2004-03-30 08:55:14

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