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Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 14:28:58 EST
X-Listprocessor-Version: -- ListProc(tm) by CREN
Greetings Czernowitzers!
1. Finally, something new to report. If you've been wondering why there has
been nothing to report for such a long time, it's because you haven't sent
me anything (hint, hint). Anyway, I'm most pleased to tell you that Lucca
Ginsburg has come through again. A second set of great pictures (11 of them)
is now available on the site. Go to
and select 'Pre 1945 Czernowitz Photographs' from the menu on the left hand
side of the page. The rest will be obvious. If it isn't obvious, you can go
there directly by going to:
Treat yourself to among other things, the two Friedmann recipes, the
discussion thread, and even pictures of Mr. Friedmann. Now if I could only
have a piece of Schmettentorte -- yum yum! Does anyone have a picture of
the restaurant, or a picture of the building where it was? It would be nice
to add it to p.2 of this picture set.
2. A few new entries in the Czernowitz Family Finder -- check it out! And
while you're doing that, if you've submitted information to the Finder,
please check your own email address there and make sure it's current. I know
of a few that are not -- let me know if something needs be changed.
3. This would be a very good time for list members to get into those shoe
boxes of photos and memorabilia with an eye to submitting things to the
website. You'd be surprised what turns out to be of interest to others!
Stories, trip reports, photos, clippings, yes -- recipes, maps, materials
for the Finders, your own pages memorializing your family, postcards of any
period, links to sites you have found useful in your research, projects
you're working on. Let's keep the website growing.
4. Speaking of projects... Melita Fuhrman Vickter's Czernowitz and Sadagora
cemetery restoration efforts might be of interest to you; find out more from
This has nothing to do with the website, but I have just found out that
although my father's family ended up established in Czernowitz before coming
to the US, they were originally from Podhajce (Podgatsy). I would be
interested in hearing from those list members who also are also researching
ancestors that transited from Podhajce to Czernowitz.
That's it...
As always, best regards,
Received on 2004-11-24 22:34:38
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