Dear Jerome,
I think yes.
I will create the DVD in 2 systems (NTSC and PAL) and I will let you know when the DVD is ready.
Best regards
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Reinhold Czarny
Services for Business IT Ruhr GmbH
Bruchstraße 5, 45883 Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Reinhold Czarny
Tel.: +49 209 9456-7676
Fax: +49 209 9456-3437
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: jerome schatten []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Mai 2005 17:07
An: Czarny, Reinhold (SBI Ruhr)
Betreff: Re: [Cz-L] Traveling to Czernowitz and Radautz in June
Czarny, Reinhold (SBI Ruhr) wrote:
> Dear Czernowitzer,
> I will traveling in June (15.6. - 27.6..05) to
> Czernowitz and Radautz to make video records to
> create a DVD about the towns. My mother (Elisabeth
> Wimmer) grew up in Czernowitz and my father
> (Michael Czarny (Czerny) in Radautz.
> After my trip I will give information about.
> Best regards
> Reinhold
> (Germany)
A pleasant and fruitful journey Reinhold. Will there be any way for us
to view your DVD?
Received on 2005-05-18 07:41:48
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