The Czernowitz-L Archive by subject
- (no subject)
- [Cz-L Check out Das waren noch Zeiten
- [Cz-L]
- [Cz-L] "Commercial School" in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] "Reunion"
- [Cz-L] "This Year in Czernowitz"
- [Cz-L] 2005 US Commission report - "Jewish Cemeteries, Synagogues, and Mass Grave Sites in Ukraine"
- [Cz-L] 2006 Czernowitzr Confernce
- [Cz-L] [Fwd: where is Sphola?]
- [Cz-L] a Bukowina centre at the Cz university
- [Cz-L] a little more on Neuzuczka
- [Cz-L] a new member
- [Cz-L] a new question ...
- [Cz-L] A Question on Age
- [Cz-L] a request from "Die Stimme"
- [Cz-L] About people who emigrated from Sadagora
- [Cz-L] Additional comments on the Cemetery project
- [Cz-L] Andermanns join Czernovitz list
- [Cz-L] Answers to questions
- [Cz-L] Archives Now On Line (I think) (fwd)
- [Cz-L] Arranging for tombstone repair
- [Cz-L] Artur Kolnik -- who knew him???
- [Cz-L] Benjamin Aprile
- [Cz-L] Berti Glaubach's vote
- [Cz-L] Beyle Gottesman
- [Cz-L] Beyle Gottesman awarded National Heritage Fellowship
- [Cz-L] Bianowici / Bianovici
- [Cz-L] Birth information Documents & Czernowitz German house number #126, Canadian Marrige document in Latin
- [Cz-L] Book about Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Book on Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] books on Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] brief self-intro
- [Cz-L] Burial register lookups
- [Cz-L] can anyone help find family
- [Cz-L] CD's -- more
- [Cz-L] Cemetery
- [Cz-L] Ceremonial Hall
- [Cz-L] Chag Sameach
- [Cz-L] Chernivtsi restaurants.
- [Cz-L] Chernowitz Cemetary
- [Cz-L] Chernowitz Reunion
- [Cz-L] City Website
- [Cz-L] Conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland
- [Cz-L] connections
- [Cz-L] Contact information for group member
- [Cz-L] Cookbook
- [Cz-L] Correction to date of Cz-L reunion
- [Cz-L] Cz reunion
- [Cz-L] Cz reunion plans
- [Cz-L] Cz web site with words, pix and accompanying music
- [Cz-L] Cz-Reunion News#2.
- [Cz-L] Cz. results of vote on program suggestions
- [Cz-L] Cz. subgroup?
- [Cz-L] Cz.-L Cemetery issue
- [Cz-L] Cz.-L meeting in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Cz.-L reunion news
- [Cz-L] Cz.-L subgroup
- [Cz-L] Cz.-List "reunion" plans
- [Cz-L] Cz.-List "reunion"plans
- [Cz-L] Czerniewcy ?
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz - May 2006
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz 2006 subgroup email list
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz Envelope and Postmark on Ebay
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz Ephemera
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz Movies
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz photos by street photographers
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz question
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz research
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz reunion
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz Reunion - suggested itinerary
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz reunion:
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz, some questions
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz: how to get there + cemetary
- [Cz-L] Czernowitzer 2006 Reunion News.
- [Cz-L] Czernowitzer Morgenblatt
- [Cz-L] Czernowitzer Musikverein
- [Cz-L] Datas from the Czernowitz archiv
- [Cz-L] David's suggestions
- [Cz-L] Different needs and wants
- [Cz-L] Dubowy fam. in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] E-mail to M. Taylor
- [Cz-L] Emil Armin
- [Cz-L] English pages in "Die Stimme"
- [Cz-L] English Translation of "Geschichte der Juden in Bukowina"
- [Cz-L] FALIK plus other variant spellings, from Suceava
- [Cz-L] Family Druckmann
- [Cz-L] Fat, Schmaltz and other VERBOTEN delicacies
- [Cz-L] Finding Birth Records
- [Cz-L] First Posting
- [Cz-L] Food in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Fwd: 1895 Wiznitz district directory: online
- [Cz-L] Fwd: Eliezer Steinbarg
- [Cz-L] Fwd: From Dvorah Netzer regarding MENCZEL, MENCZER and KAHANA families
- [Cz-L] FYI
- [Cz-L] GRAIF/GREIF from Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Great input!
- [Cz-L] Great Site With Czernowitz Family Photos and
- [Cz-L] Gur Hamora
- [Cz-L] Happy 2005!
- [Cz-L] Happy Chanukah
- [Cz-L] Helmut's letter in English, quickly translated
- [Cz-L] Help in translating death cert. and stone
- [Cz-L] help with some Yiddish words
- [Cz-L] Holidays
- [Cz-L] Hotels and distances in Ukraine
- [Cz-L] Hotels?
- [Cz-L] Ignacio Sternberg
- [Cz-L] immigrants who returned to Sadagura
- [Cz-L] In answer to Charles and Malvina
- [Cz-L] In response to Lucca and more...
- [Cz-L] Info on Cheremosh Hotel and more
- [Cz-L] Information
- [Cz-L] Inquiry
- [Cz-L] Introduce Jerry Lapides
- [Cz-L] Introducing myself to the list.
- [Cz-L] Invest in our past
- [Cz-L] Invitations to the mayor of Chernivtsi
- [Cz-L] Irene Silfin's visit to Sadagora
- [Cz-L] Issue of a sub-list
- [Cz-L] jadova,zadova
- [Cz-L] Jan. '05 Update on Czernowitz Cemetery Project
- [Cz-L] Jerome and his whereabouts
- [Cz-L] Jessica's vote
- [Cz-L] Jeweler Bianovici: the rest of the story
- [Cz-L] Jewish Cemetery
- [Cz-L] Kalichanka
- [Cz-L] KOHN, from Sniatyn
- [Cz-L] Kolnik family in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Kurz family
- [Cz-L] laces/Czernowitz/Fichman/pf1.html
- [Cz-L] LANDSKRONER family
- [Cz-L] LEHR family of Sadagura
- [Cz-L] letter from Mimi Taylor
- [Cz-L] life in Galicia and Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] List Archives
- [Cz-L] List notes
- [Cz-L] Looking for 'Mahala' near Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Looking for Dr. Wachcowiz
- [Cz-L] looking for lost family from bukowina
- [Cz-L] Lookups in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Lookups while you are in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Mail service will be down temporarily
- [Cz-L] mail to Nathan Gartner
- [Cz-L] Mamaliga
- [Cz-L] Mamaliga: special recipe!
- [Cz-L] Map of Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Member Introduction
- [Cz-L] memory
- [Cz-L] military
- [Cz-L] Miriam Pickholz
- [Cz-L] more reunion ideas
- [Cz-L] Moses Pasetes or Panetes from Pruthgasse II
- [Cz-L] My Introduction
- [Cz-L] My New Book
- [Cz-L] My personal comments re Cz Reunion
- [Cz-L] My visit in Czernowitz in JUNE 2005
- [Cz-L] Names of day trip guides in Cz
- [Cz-L] Names!
- [Cz-L] Neuzuczka
- [Cz-L] New book on Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] New chapters of Gold on line
- [Cz-L] new member
- [Cz-L] new member at the list
- [Cz-L] New on the Website - 04 January 2005
- [Cz-L] New on the website - 18 March 2005
- [Cz-L] New on the website 16 May 05
- [Cz-L] New on the website 20 June 2005
- [Cz-L] new on the website 8 April 05
- [Cz-L] New on the Website July 21 2005
- [Cz-L] New Street Name Translator
- [Cz-L] News from the Website - 28 August 2005
- [Cz-L] Ohlgiesser Gasse / Sadagora?
- [Cz-L] Other Meeting Possibilities
- [Cz-L] Pesach!
- [Cz-L] Photo - DVD about Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Photographs
- [Cz-L] Photos from Arthur Rindner - Czernowitz, Bukovina
- [Cz-L] Pictures of Chernovtsy
- [Cz-L] places/Czernowitz/Fichman/pf1.html
- [Cz-L] Please post in plain text
- [Cz-L] Please vote on name for Czernowitz meeting
- [Cz-L] Potato Kugel
- [Cz-L] Preminger?
- [Cz-L] Progress in southern Bukovina
- [Cz-L] Purposes of the Czernowitz List
- [Cz-L] Question regarding Schatzman Family
- [Cz-L] questionnaire
- [Cz-L] Questionnaire response from Berti Glaubach
- [Cz-L] Re Vienna 2006..
- [Cz-L] Re Vienna Hotel.Info.
- [Cz-l] recipe for tocz
- [Cz-L] recommendation
- [Cz-L] Regarding cemetery restoration/preservation
- [Cz-L] Reisch ancestors current info.
- [Cz-L] Reish Family
- [Cz-L] Resent: about food and recipes
- [Cz-L] Responses to questionnaire
- [Cz-L] Reunion
- [Cz-L] Reunion / Mimi's Questionnaire
- [Cz-L] Reunion info. on the web.
- [Cz-L] REUNION NEWS: Jewish community in Vienna today.
- [Cz-L] Reunion program #1: for Vienna..
- [Cz-L] Reunion Registrations Clarification
- [Cz-L] Reunion: Vienna Hotel most recommended!
- [Cz-L] Reunion: where?
- [Cz-L] ROLL family search.
- [Cz-L] Russian words in Yizkor book.
- [Cz-L] Rymalow?
- [Cz-L] Sadagora Temple Revived
- [Cz-L] Sadagura @ Beth Hatefutsoth
- [Cz-L] Searching for Dr. Rosentuler (Rozentuler)
- [Cz-L] Searching for TAUBER and RESSLER and families that
- [Cz-L] Sending materials for the website...
- [Cz-L] Separating trip and genealogy discussions
- [Cz-L] Shavuot 2006
- [Cz-L] Shmaltz
- [Cz-L] sign me up for the email -- and probably for the trip
- [Cz-L] Site Reorganization
- [Cz-L] Source of genealogical information
- [Cz-L] still more on the CD's
- [Cz-L] Suggested names for our meeting
- [Cz-L] suggestion for Cz reunion 2nd Try
- [Cz-L] Synagogues in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Thank you for the website
- [Cz-L] Thank you Luba
- [Cz-L] That's not what I wrote!
- [Cz-L] the book On Foreign Land by Zolf
- [Cz-L] the Cemetary
- [Cz-L] The Cemetery Issue
- [Cz-L] The Cemetery!
- [Cz-L] The cookbook
- [Cz-L] the given f. name Shella
- [Cz-L] The Jewish Cemetery
- [Cz-L] The Questionnaire
- [Cz-L] the small Cernivici
- [Cz-L] the Title
- [Cz-L] The Trip and the Cemetery
- [Cz-L] The Trip to Vienna/Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] The Trip's title
- [Cz-L] Train accommodations in Romania
- [Cz-L] Translation
- [Cz-L] Transnistria today.
- [Cz-L] travel agents
- [Cz-L] Travel to Ukraine
- [Cz-L] Traveling to Czernowicz!
- [Cz-L] Traveling to Czernowitz and Radautz in June
- [Cz-L] trip and cemetery
- [Cz-L] Ukrainian politics
- [Cz-L] Ukrainian Visa
- [Cz-L] Upcoming lecture in Dearborn, Michigan
- [Cz-L] update on Czernowitz cemetery database
- [Cz-L] Urania cinema
- [Cz-L] Video
- [Cz-L] Video of the Reunion
- [Cz-L] Vienna 2006
- [Cz-L] Vienna and Czernowitz
- [CZ-L] Vienna Hotels.May/June 06.
- [Cz-L] Visit to Czernowitz (?)
- [Cz-L] Visiting in Revne
- [Cz-L] Website about Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Website and Maps on CD
- [Cz-L] website update
- [Cz-L] What a Nightmare! Fwd: [Cz-L]
- [Cz-L] What a small world?
- [Cz-L] What you got against Sofia??! Some of my best
- [Cz-L] What's happening with our Cz list?
- [Cz-L] where is Sphola?
- [Cz-L] Which Czernowitz group do I use?
- [Cz-L] wishes
- [Cz-L] Wiznitz
- [Cz-L]: Inquiry from the editor of "Die Stimme" (fwd)
- [Cz-L]Another Landsmann (Landsfrau?)
- [Cz-L]suggestion for Cz reunion
- [Cz-L} change of Email address
- [Cz] recipe for tocz
- [Fwd: [Cz-L] Holidays]
- A Cz./Bukowina reunion
- A Cz./Bukowina reunion?
- Add another name to group
- Addressing the subgroup
- an important research point
- Another new person
- AW: [Cz-L] Traveling to Czernowitz and Radautz in June
- BEST WISHES from Andy & Irene Fishler (Ehrenkranz)
- Bianovici ,Herman
- CD Made by Jerome Schatten
- cemetery
- cookbook
- Current information
- Cz-Reunion News#2.
- Cz. Subgroup Yahoo list
- Cz; recipe for tocz
- CZERNOWITZ COOKBOOK - Busserl and Patlajele
- Czernowitz Reunion
- CZERNOWITZ-L: Moderated Message
- Czernowitzer 2006 Reunion
- Fwd: [Cz-L] Cz.-L Cemetery issue
- Gerrad's email
- Great Input
- How to find records for smaller towns
- In response to Lucca and other things... 3
- Long, long time ago....
- Looking for Family relations
- malai
- MALAI Recipe
- More Totch and Malai!
- my name is nicole madfes tauber
- My vote on the list of suggestions
- new member
- new member The VITORUL
- Purposes of the Czernowitz List
- Re cookbook
- Reunion E-mails, etc.
- Stopover in Vienna post Czernowitz reunion.
- Subgroup established
- Ukraine's University of Hate
- Vienna Hotel info. request.
- {Cz-L} message to the list