Re cookbook

From: Gabriel Rinzler <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 17:33:28 -0400

One of the reasons Czernowitz and the Bukowina of old is still talked
about in the international press is to bring proof that a multinational
city like Czernowitz could have people of various nationalities live in
One other facet of this mix resulted in a heavenly diversity of...
dishes. So let me put in my 2 cents of culinary memory: I cannot
give you any recipes for two reasons. First my mother like many of yours
was using quantities like "a bisserl von das und ein bisserl von jenes" and
the second reason is that I don't know how to cook but I am a groiser maven
in eating.
Malai My mother used to make it filled with sweet cottage cheese
Totch For Peisach the quantity of eggs and Ganseschmalz was triplet and it
was called Keisel (this is probably why I had to have two stents inserted in
my coronary arteries)
Keisel These were patties made from mashed potatoes with some other
ingredients and baked in the oven.
Schmettentorte My favored desert (mmmm)
Schweinerei a mixed salad with all kinds of vegetables.
Nusskuchen- Cozonac
Sorry, I have to stop before I have an overflow of stomach secretions
Gaby Rinzler
Received on 2005-06-16 14:38:08

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