[Cz-L] Re: Looking for Family relations

From: Bruce Reisch <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 13:37:01 -0400
To: CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu


There was an Abraham Reisch who emigrated to New York (Ellis Island)
with some of my other Reisch relatives. But I've never been able to
find any records of Abraham besides the one ship manifest listing his
name. I don't know if he might be the Abraham in your family. This
particular Abraham arrived March 27, 1911 on the Amerika, along with
my family members Chaje Bendit (born Reisch), Jettie Bendit, Beile
Bendit and Bertha Reisch (sister of my grandfather). Abraham's
mother is given as Freide Reisch.

This reminds me of something else: Sadagora was a small place, and
I've heard it said before that "all REISCH's from Sadagora are
cousins". Just last week, I was speaking to an older relative of
mine from the REISCH family. She told me a story about when meeting
a seamstress (many years ago in the Bronx) who was doing some work
for her family, and her last name was REISCH. They spoke about this
for a while and my cousin found out that this woman and her family
were also from Sadagora - and she also said that "all REISCH from
Sadagora were cousins".

I guess it's still up to us to figure out how. The oldest record of
a REISCH in the area is one for Aron REISCH, farmer, of Rohozna,
1808. Rohozna is right next door to Sadagora. See Peter Elbau's
site - www.bukowina.info and click on Jewish Farmers in the Bukowina.
Maybe Aron is our common ancestor? We'll see.

Best always,

At 15:49 -0400 6/13/05, Marty Siegel wrote:


> 3-Abraham Dov Reisch ( - )
> 2-Isaac Reisch (1869-1953)
> 3_????
>Rose (Hena) Reisch (1878-1962)
> 3-Yehezkel Grauer ( - )
> 2-Sophie (Zissel) Grauer (1860-1934)
> 3-Chaya Grauer ( - )
>Marty S.
Received on 2005-06-16 14:08:11

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