hi all,....i like vienna and i have friends there so have been several
times, so maybe i can make a few suggestions. i usually stay in " Pension
Domizil" vienna1010, 14 schulerstrasse ph.43.1.5133199 /or 43.1.5133093. by
no means the cheapest but is right behind the stephansdom, next to the
kaerntnerstrasse, within easy walking distance to the opera or to the
kapucinergrotte( the capuchin monastery with the grotto containing the
sarcophagi of all the emperors). another thing most tourists do not see is
the war museum which has some amazing paintings, weapon collections incl .
lots of stuff left behind by the turks when the siege of vienna was
broken,including the tent of the sultan,s vizier.....the place is very hard
to describe but to my mind is just as much cultural as military. and how
many of you knew that there were austrian troops stationed in jerusalem
during w.w.1? and i am trying very hard via the austrian military history
section of the army to find out if any troops of the 22nd Schutzenregt or
the 41st imperial infantry were there.....some of my military history books
seem to hint towards this. what is important is that both these regiments
were czernowitz based and contained many jews . i have a photo of an
austrian Feldrabbiner in full uniform conducting a shabbat service. however,
enough for now.....i just sort of get carried away......cornel
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