Problem encountered re accommodation.
A quick check on the internet for a few of the mentioned hotels'
availability end of May next year have proved fruitless! I don't know
whether this is because this is the period of the Vienna Festival each
year, or they don't want to accept internet bookings,- although I doubt
this is the reason. These dates were crossed-off the calendar in one
case! This means we may need to look at Baden or similar outside Vienna.
Berti writes:
"I live in Haifa, am twice a year in Baden near Vienna, a sort of second
home, and have been to Czernowitz in 1991 and 2003 for a few days. Left
the town in 1945 at age 15+, so everything still fresh in mind (for the
Pensions including breakfast in Baden can go as low as 40 EU per person.
There are 3 very good ways to go to Vienna , bus 45 min to the opera,
local train (Badner Bahn) to same place 60 min and regular trains,
faster but from Railway station and not to the center.
Main problem with stay at pensions - you will need some extra place for
the meetings as most of them have no facilities, although I know of at
least one that has. This would depend of course on the number of the
participants ."
I think that at this stage we need a travel-agency locally to check out
the accommodation aap.
Malvina M.
Received on 2005-06-28 08:19:56
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