Forwarded from Luba German, Australia <>:
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From: "Charles German" <>
To: <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 04:53:53 +1000
Dear Bruce,
Could you please forward these detail on to the group.
As everyone my not be aware that I am a travel agent please be
assured I have had my own office for over 25 years and experienced in
organizing tours. I was the appointed travel agent in 1993 to take
the Australian group to Poland for a world conference to mark the
occasion of The 50 the anniversary of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising,and
also in 1995 a tour to Israel to mark Victory Over Nazi Germany and VE Day.
We have started working on the proposed reunion for May/June 2006
Malvina has made some enquiries with Hotel Stefanie in Vienna for
those who are interested in commencing
the program their .
in 25/05/06
out 31/05/06
dble room 149 Eu/per night
sgle room 110 Eu/per night
I am working on the ground content of this time in Vienna and will
inform the group of my progress and suggestions as soon as I have
some information
It has been suggested by Max one of the boys that was in the ghetto
and concentration camps with Charles that we require appro 7 nights
in Czernowitz to prepare an interesting program for the group, also
next year will be 65 years since the establishment of the ghetto ,
and the deportation of the Jews to the concentration camps.As Charles
is the Australian President of Jewish Fighters,Partisans and Camp
Inmates I have been in contact with our organization and they will
assist us in every way to prepare a program.
I ask everyone to please be patient as it is difficult to deal with
Eastern Europe Travel Agents and it takes time.
We are also planning to organize a tour after the conference
Czernowitz for those who are interested in the surrounding areas
going into Romania and Bulgaria ,final city would be Sofia and then
returning to Vienna for connections home.
Best Regard Luba German
Breakaway Travel p/l
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Received on 2005-07-05 12:28:44
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