RE: [Cz-L] Czernowitz, some questions

From: hegma2 <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 09:32:22 -0400 (EDT)
To:, Czernowitz-Bukovina <>

Sorry Ruth,
That form was prepared originally for Australian groups travelling from
here. It is not necessary to fill it all in from elsewhere and certainly
not yet.
  Please just fill out the main items,- names & addresses,dates of
arrival and departure, from where you will be coming and whether you
intend to go on the extended tour after Cz. Itinerary details are still
being worked out and will be available shortly. You will be asked for
further details if necessary nearer the time of departure.
Best regards,

Malvina M.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ruth Sherer
> Sent: Sunday, 31 July 2005 10:00 AM
> To: Czernowitz Group Mail
> Subject: [Cz-L] Czernowitz, some questions
> Hello,=20
> We are Salo and Ruth Sherer. We are interested in going to
> both Vienna and Czernowitz. Is there anyway to find out the
> total cost of the trip? We live in Los Angeles, CA. How
> would we get from Vienna to Czernowitz? There are = some
> questions on the form for the travel agent that we would not
> put on an unsecured line on the computer. Why would our
> medicare number be = needed? I
> would fill out forms and mail them. Thank you, Salo and
> Ruth Sherer

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