[Cz-L] suggestion for Cz reunion 2nd Try

From: Miriam R. Taylor <mtaylor_at_bio.indiana.edu>
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 20:17:53 -0400 (EDT)
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: mtaylor_at_bio.indiana.edu

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   Some more thoughts and a suggestion about a Czernowitz reunion:

Our Czernowitz L group is an independent and unaffiliated group.
We are a small group and many of us have been corresponding for a while.
Because of this we could plan an informal reunion to reflect our wishes
and ideas.
The current plans for the reunion were decided upon without an attempt
being made
to find out what many of us want, but it is not too late. If the reunion
is to take place
in the spring or summer of 2006 we still have 9 month till then.

In private correspondence with some members of this group I learned that
if the
reunion does not seem to be the kind they would like, many will simply
not participate.
This reunion is very, very important to me. Not because I want to run
things my way,
not because I want to impress anyone, not because I have not been to
Czernowitz before.

NO, but because as one of those who was born there and left when I was a
I feel that the war robbed us of our childhood and of continuity with
the rest of our lives.
We were most of us very young or it has been too long since then and
because of that we
do not trust our memories, or our interpretation of events. We need to
be together with others
like us, or those who can help us remember and judge or weigh what happened.
For us this is not a vacation, a tour, or a demonstration of Jewish or
Czernowitz solidarity.

I suggest that all those interested, fill out a questionnaire which
will indicate what their wishes in respect to the Czernowitz reunion are.
It pertains only to a reunion taking place in the city of Czernowitz
and has no bearing on any meetings in Israel or Vienna.
This questionnaire is of my making, but others could add to it.
The filled questionnaires could be sent to the group at large, to me,
or to someone who has not taken sides in this discussion.
Any volunteers?
Once we know what most people want or expect of this reunion,
we can plan it accordingly. All and each one of us attending should be
free to participate in all, any or none of the activities planned.

The Questionnaire:

1) When would you like the reunion to be and for how long?
      please give first and second choice dates.
2) Are you interested in group travel arrangements to the reunion?
      From where?
3) Are you interested in group accommodation (hotel) arrangements?
4) What collective tours, visits, lectures or other activities would you
      the group to plan?

Best wishes to all, Mimi

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