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Lieber Reinhold,
ein bischen frei uebersetzt, aber ich glaube es ist in Deinem Sinn....
To the Czernowitzers:
Reinhold Czarny visited Czernowitz last June and succumbed to the city's
magic. He wrote a beautiful poem in German and asked me to translate same.
I did this - a bit freely, but I suppose that this is what he wanted to say:
You lovely city surrounded by beech trees
I knew you only thanks to tales I was told
I dreamt of getting to know you - and I finally did.
Knowing you was a turning point in my life
After 65 years of departure, 60 years after war's end
I entered you with so many mixed feelings..
My parents had told me of your many wonders
Your spirit, your people...A time long gone...
How well did they know you
And then no longer after years gone.
Time never rests, the city and her spirit drowned
With time standing still waiting for new birth.
And then: awakening.
The old spirit may not have survived
but we want to help its rebirth
of the city as our parents knew her.
My first glance from the plane, my heart beating crazily
There I see the so often described railway station
and seemingly nearby the "Ringplatz".
I found people in Czernowitz to whom I gave my love
and my promise to return again and again.
The memory of the citys sights will remain with me
until the end of my days,
The town which was my parents' and has now become mine.
A magic place where I fell in love.
Ich habe noch nie ein Gedicht uebersetzt - (bloss technisches Material)
aber ich hab mich jedenfalls sehr bemueht.
As a translator of technical material, I never translated a poem! In any
case...I tried.
The best to all my fellow Czernowitzers,
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