[Cz-L] Re Vienna 2006..

From: hegma2 <hegma2_at_pacific.net.au>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 07:18:10 -0400 (EDT)
To: Yehudit Yerushalmi-Terris <elhod_at_zahav.net.il>, Berti Glaubach <berti_at_netvision.net.il>, Cornel Fleming <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net>, Czernowitz-Bukovina <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>, Ellen Greenspan <ellengreenspan_at_optonline.net>, "Fay (NY)" <HerbieI_at_aol.com>, Florence Lamarche <lamarche_at_tele2.fr>, Hedwig Brener <hefbren_at_zahav.net.il>, Henry Sinnreich <henry_at_sinnreich.net>, Jerry Lapides <lapides_at_comcast.net>, Jessie Falikman Attiyeh <rea_at_ucsd.edu>, Jill Rothwell <info_at_brunswick.co.nz>, "Kays, Marcel & Selma, Melb." <peggyk_at_bigpond.net.au>, Luba & Charles German <charles_at_willowhomes.com.au>, Melita Vickter <Naturesmom_at_aol.com>, "Peter R. Elbau, Switzerland." <peter_at_elbau.info>
Reply-to: hegma2_at_pacific.net.au

Dear list members who expressed an interest in my original suggestion re
a Vienna get-together.

Please note that I have not changed the dates, i.e. from the 25th May
2006. My husband and I shall be there and will be pleased to meet with
any of you who will want to join us for a few days of reminiscing,
sightseeing, cultural events and pleasurable pastimes. Please let me
know if you intend to stop-over in Vienna,- when and as soon as you
decide,- so that we can make the necessary arrangements for our program.
The Czernowitz part of the program is entirely the responsibilty of Luba
German and Breakaway Travel.

Malvina Malinek
Received on 2005-08-16 08:10:57

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