[Cz-L] the Cemetary

From: Nina Kern <nkern_at_jbs.biz>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 11:01:56 -0400 (EDT)
Reply-to: nkern_at_jbs.biz

I don't certainly would be the last one in the world to discourage
anyone from visiting the Jewish Cemetary in Cz, but I would point out
that if you plan a "tour" of the Cemetary, you may be disappointed. It
is very overgrown: gravestones are virtually completely obscured by tall
weeds and brush, in some instances there are short footpaths that then
diminish into more weeds, some 10 - 12 feet high. Your visit may likely
confirm that considerable work needs to be done for us to actually visit
our loved ones buried there.

this said, the gentleman who runs the Cemetary might be a good one to
contact _before_ you go, ask him to find the stones you want, clear the
way, and perhaps THEN take your tour. I paid him $30 to find each stone
and another $20 to clear the brush from the stone. We did not discuss
the cost to maintain, but I'd imagine somewhere in the neighborhood of
$100 annually per stone which is probably pretty competitive with what
we pay here in the States for similar "perpetual care." It certainly
approximates what my family pays to care for my grandmother's plot, she
is buried in Vienna.

If everyone, frankly, did that, I think we'd all have a very good chance
of getting done what we'd like to see!!

and best wishes to all,
Received on 2005-08-18 08:07:18

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