Dear Czernowitzers
I have received 19 sets of answers to the questionnaire.
These can be summed up as follows:
1(a) When would you like the reunion to be?
9 responders are willing to have the reunion either in May or June.
7 responders prefer May, with most wanting the reunion to start May 18.
3 responders would prefer the reunion to be in June and two of them are
unable to come in May.
1(b) How many days should the reunion last?
8 responded - 1 week
6 are undecided
4 responded - 5 days
1 responder prefers 10 days.
2) Are you interested in group travel arrangements to the reunion?
From where?
All responses fall into the following categories:
a) group travel from Israel to Bucharest and on to Czernowitz.
b) individual travel to Lviv, group travel from there to Czernowitz.
c) individual travel to Suceava, group travel from there to Czernowitz.
d) group travel from one of; Vienna, Canada or California
3) Are you interested in group accommodation (hotel) arrangements?
The majority of responders prefers group hotel accommodations.
Opinions varied on whether we should stay at the hotel Cheremosh
or at the hotel Bukovyna. Since the questionnaire did not specifically
address this issue, not everyone expressed a preference for either hotel.
4) What collective tours, visits, lectures or other activities would you
like the group to plan?
12 responders are mostly interested in meeting with other Czernowitzers,
to walk, talk and reminisce. Excerpts from some of the letters I
received: I look forward to meeting other members of our group and
learning more about them and their families' connection to this unique
city." and: "Just schmoozing with dear Czernowitzers is good enough for
me". Many responders would like the reunion to be a cultural and learning
experience. More excerpts: "We could organize some talks about the
culture of Czernowitz in different periods, and have a discussion about
Cz Jewish identity."
A number of respondents would like to participate in organized walks of
the city, its former Jewish sections and buildings of general interest.
Many responders expressed an interest in visiting the cemetery, both as
individuals as well as, as a group. Many would like the group to make
arrangements for individuals to gain access to the archives. Some would
like to meet the current Jewish inhabitants of Chernivtsi.
You have all read David Glynn's suggestions for activities and programs
for the reunion. Other members of the list have written that they agree
with David and share his interests.
Quite a number of responders to the questionnaire have expressed a desire
to visit towns and villages in the vicinity of Czernowitz, both in the
Ukraine and in Romania. Generally though, there are not more than one or
two, interested in the same locality. This is not true for a trip to
Transnistria. 4 of the responders to the questionnaire expressed a desire
to go on an organized trip there, but it is not clear whether they want
to go to the same localities within Transnistria.
I believe that these responses, provide a basis from which to proceed.
Further suggestions and discussion is necessary and I hope will follow.
All the best, Mimi
Received on 2005-08-30 07:47:05
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