RE: [Cz-L] News from the Website - 28 August 2005

From: <>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 11:28:05 -0500

Let's all give an applause to Jerome!

Visitor number 42 to the lovely web site (aka Henry Sinnreich)

-----Original Message-----
From: jerome schatten []
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 8:18 AM
Subject: [Cz-L] News from the Website - 28 August 2005

Greetings Czernowitzers!

1. The big news is that Edward Blinder has donated to us over 400 very
high resolution photographs of Czernowitz. Alexandru Badinici, a friend
of Edward's, and a professional media person was the photographer.

The photos reveal the remains of the grand architecture of
Austro-Hungarian Czernowitz in extraordinary detail -- most of which is
reasonably well preserved. All the images were taken in 2003 and there
are many examples of modern day Czernowitz in decay to contrast with the
splendor of the past. In all, I enjoyed the photographer's sense of
design, detail and the bizarre.

They are now up on the NEW website in the 'Post WWII Czernowitz
Photographs' section.

2. New website, what's this? Well, I was running out of space on
'', and with the 400 or so new photos, I either had to
turn them down or put them up. So, I finally did what I should have done
ages ago: get a domain name and get our website hosted by someone that
could provide the services and space that we've come to need. Done!

If you go to now, you will
automatically be transported to the new site:

What's that, '' sounds a lot like 'epes' in Yiddish? And indeed
that is what I was after: '', but alas,, org, and net
were all taken, so my transliteration of eyen pey eyen samach, from the
Yiddish, meaning 'something, somehow, etc' ended up as ehpes'. So it
goes, you do the best you can <g>. Anyway, the old site will no longer
be updated; the pictures described above will be found on the new site
along with everything else that was there before. There is also a new
addition to the Czernowitz Postcards section provided by Mr.Blinder.
Have a look at that too!

3. The Archives have been updated to 22 August. If you use the
archives to follow a thread, it's probably easier to select 'sort by
date' rather than sort by subject as folks keep changing the subject line.

4. As the man that donated the pictures observed: "...we probably have
the largest Czernowitz picture collection in cyberspace (bigger than

Oh yes... if you want the original high resolution pictures (about half
a megabyte each - 1200x1600 pixels) just tell me what you want and I'll
email it to you. If you're going to publish it somewhere, then you
should attribute the photos properly. If you want them all, I have them
on CD's.

5. Finally, if there are any problems that you encounter with the new
site, be sure to let me know so I can get it straightened out --
anything that doesn't seen to work let me know. I'd also be interested
in your comments as to whether things load faster, slower, or about the
same, etc.


Remember: Czernowitz-L's site now lives at:

[Moderator's Note: What would we do without Jerome? Kudos to you,
jerome, for a job well done! Thanks also go to Edward Blinder and
Alexandru Badinici. Bruce]
Received on 2005-08-29 09:32:48

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