Hi Czernowitz Group:
I need help again. Iím helping to translate the
Belchatow (Poland) Yizkor book which is written
in Yiddish. There are quite a few words I canít
find in either of my two dictionaries, Weinreich
and Harkevy. Iíve transliterated them in bold
type below. When you tell me what they mean I
will add them to the Yiddish - English dictionary
I am building up. For my next translation effort,
Iím going to look for a Bukovina group that needs
help with Yiddish translation.
Thanks in advance, Jerry Silverbush
and gave fiery lectures, adurkhgeflokhtene with
articles (written) huîl, about colonization of
Eretz Israel.
the first four mzrkhistishe esknim in Belchatow
(talking about four officials of a Zionist group,
the singular is eskn)
He was one of the most active of the esknim in the organization.
a gerer Chasid, he used to pray in a gerer room
his library had books from Pushkin together with profí grets and I. L. Peretz.
Only individual sgulh had access to his library
Only rarely would he lend mshkhilishe books to someone
He didnít want to ongeyn farshpreyter from the education/civilization.
He made a living from a shpeyz-kreml (some kind of restaurant?)
enemies had every kufts br#sh
Describing a pious Jew, bn-surh (son of the law?), aleksandrer, Chasid Ö..
up to here
as second-in-command of the camp dîh as ruler
over life and death for all the inmates.
He totally devoted himself to the Israel National
Fund. That was for him a ebuds hkvksh and he gave
his time, energy and efforts to the work.
Until 1930, the Tsiunim Khlleym in Belchatow were
not organized although, they as individuals took
part in all the Zionist activities like
The last hnhgh from Hnuer Htsiuni of Belchatow
consisted of: Zlmn Feyner (rash hkn), Bronke
Drezner, ÖÖ...(hnhgh must be something like
ìboard of directorsî and rash hkn must be ìhead
of something.î Huer Htsiuni is a Zionist group)
their own library, football dru-zshine and the best ping pong group.
They won the championship thanks to the khîkh
Yankl Zilbergold and Arih Shatan. (I think all
these constructions with the ì are abbreviations,
but I donít know how to look them up.
There also existed in Belchatow a Revisionist
Organization with all itís branches like ìBisr,î
ìBris Hkheylî and ìAaîv.
[Moderator's note: Because messages can only be
posted in Plain Text (and this one was not
submitted in Plain Text), the boldface fonts do
not appear in bold and possibly some of the other
letters have not come through correctly.
However, I think it is fairly apparent for which
words Jerome is requesting your assistance.
Please correspond directly with Jerome
<jsilverbus_at_earthlink.net> to clarify anything
that is unclear. Bruce]
Received on 2005-08-22 10:42:21
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