[Cz-L] Video of the Reunion

From: Simon Kreindler <simonkreindler_at_sympatico.ca>
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 00:27:38 -0400 (EDT)
To: CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: simonkreindler_at_sympatico.ca

Hi, everyone:

Mimi has asked me to provide more detail about my suggestion of making a
video of the Reunion.

I think the Reunion will be a truly remarkable event and it would be a
shame to not have a record of it for posterity. I know that my children
and grandchildren wil regard such a video as very special - a record of
where their grandparents and great grandparens came from. To see the
houses where they lived, the streets they walked, the schul (s) and
schools they attended, the places they shopped, etc. etc. I also know
friends and organizations I participate in as well as my local Jewish
Genealogy Society who would undoubtedly be interested.

I know it is difficult to make a comprehensive video that meets
everyone's needs. Naturally, we all have slightly different interests
and preferences. However, if Mimi's canvassing of the group achieves a
consensus of say ten or twelve activities (or maybe even more), then
perhaps the video could focus on recording these events.

I have no experience making videos and prefer not to take the time to
learn how between now and May18th. I also feel that if someone from the
group were to do it they would probably miss some of the pleasure of
participating in the various events.

This leads me to suggest hiring someone in Czernowitz who has experience
with video recording and who could produce an unedited, master copy by
the end of the Reunion. I (or, if we have a more knowledgeable volunteer
among us) could then bring this home and have it edited into a recording
of say 45 - 60 minutes duration and the final product sold to whoever
was interested. I have no idea what this is likely to cost but if there
are enough members who are interested, hopefully it would not be

I think it would be helpful at this point if list members would indicate
if they are interested in such a video and if there are enough of us
perhaps we can explore what it would cost to hire a videographer in
Czernowitz. I look forward to hearing your reactions, ideas, etc.

With best regards,

Simon Kreindler
Received on 2005-09-16 21:30:19

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