My vote on the list of suggestions

From: David Glynn <>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 08:20:45 -0400 (EDT)
To: Mimi Taylor <>, Czernowitz list <>

> List of suggestions for the program:
> 1. Organized tour or walk of Czernowitz, with "old timers" comparing
> the present and the past.
YES - maybe more than one. A lot of walking can be tiring - we could
explore different parts of the town on different days.

> 2. May 19, Evening - Kabbalat Shabbat service at the Synagogue.

> 3. Social get-together in order that we get to know each other and our
> connection to Czernowitz.

> 4. Walking tour of the Jewish section of town.
NO - I'm not sure what exactly the "Jewish section of the town" is - I
understand that in pre-war Czernowitz the whole town centre was
substantially Jewish. Of course, there are Jewish monuments such as the
Temple which everyone will wish to see. Really, I am not sure that this
item is different from item 1.

> 5. Discussion about Czernowitz Jewish identity.
YES, this can perhaps be combined with item 13.

> 6. Meeting with the current Jewish inhabitants of Chernivtsi.
YES - could be a good idea, but some thought would have to go into how to
organise this.

> 7. Czernowitz walks in small groups of people who share a particular
> interest. Some of these are: The theatre, the university, the Herz
> -Jesu church and other churches.
YES (possibly). I am quite interested in a quick look at the churches - but
I would not want a walk specifically looking at them. If we are walking
round a part of the town where there is an interesting church, that is the
time to pop in and have a look.

As I mentioned before, I would love to attend a performance in the theatre,
but it depends of course on what is on.

> 8. A panel of survivors to be asked questions of their experiences and
> memories. Survivors presenting their testimonies.
NO if this means Holocaust experiences specifically. More general
experiences and memories of life in Czernowitz (including the war period)
would of course be interesting, and again could be combined with item 13.

> 9. A dinner with the Mayor and members of the local Jewish
> community, a festival with music and entertainment, a wonderful party.
NO - I would be in favour of a communal Dinner for all of us. If the Mayor
were to be present, I feel that the event would tend to centre on him, which
I would not like. So probably better without the Mayor.

And personally, I would prefer a quieter evening than seems to be implied by
a "festival" and a "party". The main thing is to meet, talk and celebrate
each others' company. Loud music will tend to negate this.

> 10. Visit with the participation of the Mayor and Dignitaries to the
> cemetery and the monument to the 400 men shot by the Germans when
> entered Cernauti.
NO - but see my answer to 11.

> 11. Visit to the Jewish cemetery and the monument to the 400 men shot in

YES - unless we decide that visiting the cemetery with the Mayor will be
helpful in getting the city authorities to support a restoration effort
(morally if not financially). If we did decide this, maybe the Kadish and
private visit could be done separately from the visit with the Mayor.

> 12. Meeting with the mayor and possibly his staff, to discuss our concern
> over the state of the cemetery and it's possible restoration.
YES provided that after all the present discussions on this topic, it does
actually appear that this would be a productive meeting.

> 13. Lectures by historians, political scientists and psychologists about
> shared interest and heritage.
YES - (although I am not so sure about the psychologists!) Someone raised
the question of language. I have been assuming that since the language of
the List is English, lectures and discussions would be in English and
everyone would understand reasonably. Or am I presuming too much here?

> 14. Lecture and discussion about the culture of Czernowitz in different
> periods.
NO - This seems rather a specific topic, and could I think be absorbed into
a general lecture / discussion programme as in item 13.

> 15. Organized visit to the archives, (this may not be possible, they may
> allow entrance to large groups).
YES if this appears to be possible / fruitful. Otherwise, time to visit the
archives individually.

> 16. "End of tour" meeting to reflect on what we saw and what we felt.

17. video

I would very much like to come to this reunion, but I am not yet sure
whether this will be possible.

Received on 2005-09-21 08:34:46

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