Re: [Cz-L] the Title

From: Simon Kreindler <>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 22:55:52 -0400 (EDT)


I really like your idea.



David Glynn wrote:

>Regarding the Title, we have had quite a number of good suggestions, and I
>do not think I can constructively add another.
>I will be quite happy to vote on the existing suggestions.
>But I would like to put forward an idea on how to conduct this vote. If
>Mimi can in due course circulate a list of proposed titles, numbered A, B,
>C, ... - then each of us could give points to each of these, with some sort
>of categorisation like:
>really like it - 5 points
>quite like it - 4
>neutral - 3
>don't really like it - 2
>dead against it - 0
>Then Mimi adds up all our scores and picks the winner.

- snip -
Received on 2005-09-21 20:06:07

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