[Cz-L] Re: Reunion E-mails, etc.

From: Shellie Wiener <s_wiener_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 16:51:12 -0400 (EDT)
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: s_wiener_at_yahoo.com

Hi, everyone,

I read my digest this morning and must agree with
Bruce. While I cannot attend the "Reunion" this year,
it has been most interesting and informative to see
the development of such an event [among strangers or
distant cousins, no less.]

My grandparents did not live in Czernowitz but by
extrapolation I have learned a great deal from reading
all the posts and viewing the different photos and
articles on the web-site. [For those who are curious
- my grandmother was born in Putila ca. 1891, her
mother was born in Wiznitz ca. 1864 and we also had a
lot of family in Dorna Vatra. My grandfather's family
came from the Kolomyya-area i.e. Kosow, JablonÛw.]

I think that most of the reunion details could be
worked out on a subgroup list-serve and that it would
still be very nice for the rest of the group to remain
informed of the goings-on, every so often - perhaps
every other week. You are very lucky that you have a
core group to travel with/work together on all these
aspects - I know that whenever I will have the
opportunity to visit my family towns/villages [or
remains thereof,] I will most probably be traveling

In closing, I would just like to add that I hope all
the "Reunion" attendees remember to enjoy themselves
and allow a lot of latitude amoung the travel group as
such a trip has many different levels of significance
to the travelers. Consider this a "shiduch" of sorts
- you will need to get to know each other in order to
achieve the best level of success and contentment.

B'shalom and Shana Tova,
Shellie Wiener
San Francisco, CA
Received on 2005-09-28 13:33:14

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