[Cz-L] Bianowici / Bianovici

From: dimitar vladov <dimitar07_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 15:32:27 -0400 (EDT)
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: dimitar vladov <dimitar07_at_gmail.com>

Hi everybody,
I am looking for information about Bukovinian jeweller with name
H. Bianovici or Bianowici.I do own sterling silver coffee set made by him i=
the beginning of the last century and i want to know more about it. I
only found his name in this site www.bukovinajewsworldunion.org
and the organization committee:
- Itzhak Yalon, President
- Jacob Weiner, Vice-president
- Isahar Locker, Vice-president
- Siddy Gross
- Iulku Clain Iosef
- Rozica Ehrlich
- Baerbel Rabi

But theres no more information how to contact them..
I will be verry happy if you give me informations about this person
and his work.

I have seen
Bukovina Jewish World Union's post address in Israel and I will write
to them as last chance if my other attempts fail.It is very strange
for my opinion that theres no information about this person because
this set is a real Art Nouveau masterpiece.I thought he must be famous
with his work and I was very surprised too.
In fact when I did search in WWW using google for Bianowici - theres
no matching, nothing that corresponds to this name, you can try by
I noticed that CzernoWitz could be written like CzernoVitz, so i
decided to search not for H. BianoWici , but for H. BianoVici and as
result I found the site of Bukovina
Jewish World Union and an article called "Czernowitz dans le cyclone
de l'histoire, 1940-1945, ou la m=E9moire =AB =E0 fleur de lieux =BB" by
Florence Heymann.There are a few sentences in french with the name of
jeweller :

Puis le 13 juin 1941, des unit=E9s du NKVD, les hommes =E0 casquettes
bleues, patrouillent dans les rues de la ville, et arr=EAtent pr=E8s de 3
800 hommes. Parmi les d=E9port=E9s se trouvent des officiers roumains que
leur =E2ge a retenus en Bucovine[7]. Mais pour 80 %, ce sont des juifs :
chefs du mouvement sioniste, anciens pr=E9sidents de la communaut=E9,
grands industriels, riches commer=E7ants, comme le bijoutier Bianovici,
le pr=E9sident de la Chambre de Commerce Jacques Schnee, le libraire
Niedermayer. Les Russes pr=E9tendent justifier ces d=E9portations par des
n=E9cessit=E9s d'ordre militaire.

And one more site which couldn't be opened :
But google preview says:
History of Jews in Bukowina [Volume II, pages 1-5]
Hermann Bianovici (Chamber of Commerce), H. Gottesmann, Chaim Engler, Simon
Preminger, Jizchak Roll, Dr. Gerschon Frischwasser, Dr. Paul Katz, NL
Segall, ...

This is all that I know for now..Maybe I am looking in wrong direction...

I do attach picture of the set with the label of the producer and his
mark( 3 pictures)

Thank you for your attention!
best regards from Bulgaria

[Moderator's note: It's not possible to distribute attached files
via the list. Please contact Dimitar directly <dimitar07_at_gmail.com>
if you'd like to see the 3 attachments. Thanks for the post,
Dimitar! Bruce]
Received on 2005-09-28 13:33:28

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