[Cz-L] Cz.-L subgroup

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 09:28:41 -0400 (EDT)
To: Czernowitz <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu

Dear Czernowitzers,

The majority of respondents to my E-mail on the subject of a subgroup
of those interested in the 2006 meeting in Czernowitz, were in favor
of the establishment of a subgroup. Some had specific concerns which
I would like to address here:

I. Anyone can either now, or at any later time, join or withdraw
    from this subgroup.

2. Until we elect a committee to make all arrangements for the proposed
    meeting-reunion, I will inform the Cz.-List once a week of all major
    developments within the subgroup. Once we elect a committee, the
    committee will take care of this task.

3. I have prepared a revised list of names of those to be included in
    the subgroup. Please excuse me if I either omitted or included some
    who do not wish to be included. Write to me if you wish to be added
    or removed from this list.

    Revised list of members of subgroup:

    Alti Rodal
    Arthur Rindner
    Asher Turtle
    Berti Glaubach
    Bruce Reisch
    Bruce Wexler
    Cornel Fleming
    Charles and Luba German
    David Glynn
    Ellen Greenspan
    Florence Heymann
    Florence Lamarche Ebner
    Frank Feiner
    Gerhard Waldhorn
    Hedwig Brener
    Henry Sinnreich
    Helmut Kusdat
    Ignacio Sternberg
    Jessica Attiyeh
    Lisa Anderman
    Lucca Ginsburg
    Marianne Hirsch
    Marianna Kiva
    Mark Heckman
    Michael Roll
    Mimi Taylor
    Nina Kern
    Renee Steinig
    Ruth Gold
    Ruth Sherer
    Schmuel Metz
    Simon Kreindler
    Vye Carlile
    Yehudit Yerushalmi

4. On Sept. 30, I propose to send one E-mail to the subgroup, which will
    list the E-mail addresses of all the members of the subgroup. Everyone
    receiving this E-mail will be able to copy all the names and addresses
    to their own address books as one group, so that in the future they
    will be able to send messages to the whole subgroup without all the
    labor of copying the many addresses one by one. Future E-mail letters
    will not show the E-mail addresses of each recipient; everyone should
    be able to set their computers to either show or not show the addresses.

Please let me know whether you have any questions or objections.

Shana tova and all the best,
Received on 2005-09-29 08:02:12

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