My name is Danny Alon, I am 33 years old and live in Kefar Sava, Israel.
My grandparents are all from Bukowina - the families Ellenbogen,
Heitner, Rosenstock from Czernowitz and the Rosenthal family from
Sereth. We are all fluent German speakers. My grandfather is the only
one still alive (he lives in Bnei Brak and is 92 years old) - he was
the cinema mechanic at the Roxy film house in Czernowitz (and
formerly a book seller at the bookshop of the Music house), and lived
with his wife, Klara, on Cecina gasse.
I have lately developed an interest in the daily as well as the
cultural life of historic Czernowitz (Klein Wien, as my grandparents
called it) and would appreciate greatly any shared information
regarding family members around the world or people who were
acquinated with them:
Moshe (Muniu) Ellenbogen
Klara Rosenthal
Oskar Rosenstock (a football player)
Paula Heitner
Received on 2005-09-30 08:30:28
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