Re: [Cz-L] military

From: Peter R. Elbau <>
Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2005 08:56:30 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Cornel,
The 41. IR is very good documented in the "Geschichte des k.k.
Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 41" from Jaromir Formanek, Czernowitz 1886-1887
(volume I from 1701 - 1806, volume II 1807 - 1887, over 1700 pages together).
I haven't seen a history of the 22. Landwehrinfanterieregiment Czernowitz as
Basic informations can be found in the "Schematismus der k. k. Landwehr
und der

Quoting cornel fleming <>:

> shana tova v,metuka to all. i am hoping that among all the accumulated
> group wisdom someone may have some slightly esoteric information. in
> czernowitz were 3 permanently based k&k military units namely a cavalry
> outfit which i am trying to identify; the 22nd schuetzenregt and the 41st
> line infantry with which there was a family connection. in spite of the
> number, the 41st was the 3rd oldest regular infantry outfit in austrian
> service, having been reorganised as such in 1701. i am trying to find out as
> much as possible including things like regimental march music, uniform
> details,battle honours etc etc. any snippets of information will be happily
> received!! with thanks in advance., cornel
Received on 2005-10-09 08:22:59

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