[Cz-L] Ceremonial Hall

From: Helmut Kusdat <kusdat_at_mail.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 09:54:53 -0500 (EST)
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: kusdat_at_mail.com

Dear Cz-List members,

here comes a short addition to my report about the Ceremonial Hall on the
Jewish Cemetary in Czernowitz.

Jerome Schatten will be so kind to publish some photos of the building
taken in November on the Czernowitz web site and will let us know the

Then I was asked about details of the dedication plaque (Widmungstafel)
inside the Hall. Please find the complete text below.

With kind regards and greetings from Vienna,

Helmut Kusdat


Unter der Verwaltung der nachbenannten

Repr=E4sentanz der hiesigen israelitischen


wurde der Bau dieser


im Jahre 1905

(=85) vollendet und seiner Bestimmung zugef=FChrt


Dr. Benno Straucher


Naftali Tittinger

Vice Pr=E4ses

Samuel Luttinger Jun.


Dr. Jakob Ausl=E4nder

Lazar Roth

Wilhelm Tittinger

Hersch Trichter

Dr. Neumann Wender


Dr. Freidrich Billig

Dawid Bilgrey

Julius Bochner

A.M. Brunstein

Lazar Chajes

Isidor Chodrower

Dr. Meyer Ebner

Joachim Eisenberg

Dr. Bernhard Funkenstein

Ire (?) Geiger

Jakob Gold

Salomon Gronich

Leib Herschmann

Elias Kampelmacher

J. Leon Kratter

Dr. Adolf Reiter

Dr. Ludwig Luttinger

Efroim Hersch Melzer

Moses =D6hlgieser

Moritz Picker

Moritz Stekel

Selig Wagschal

Salomon Weinstock

Als Gemeinde Rabbiner fungierten


Dr. Moses Rosenfeld

und Rabbiner

Benjamin Weiss

Die Bauf=FChrung besorgte der Stadtbaumeister

Josef F=FCnkel

die Oberleitung f=FChrten der st=E4dtische Baurat

Moritz Birkenthal

und Stadtbaumeister

Julius Bochner


[Moderator's note: The special and/or accented German characters
will not display correctly when sent through the listserv which then
converts them into "plain text". Instead, the accented characters
are replaced (above) by the "=" sign followed by two other
characters. Those familiar with German can probably guess at the
correct spellings. Can someone volunteer to translate the text
portions into English? Thank you, Bruce Reisch]
Received on 2005-12-14 08:33:55

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