Me too - my father, born 1898 in Kolomayja, then raised in Cz, where his
sister was born and raised for several years - I am 57 yrs old, 1st
generation American - with an enormous appetite for Cz and realted
history. I would love to hear tales, experiences, minds'eye snapshots,
etc. As well as stories about Cz list members' travels to Cz and
Galacia in the recent past. So bring it on!!!
alon wrote:
>Lucca and everyone,
>Happy Chanuka for all of you!
>As much as I enjoy reading memories and testimonies of former Czwitzers, I
>wonder if there are other 3rd generation members like myself on the list (I
>am 33) who have an interest in Cz, Bukowina and their jewish identities. Are
Received on 2005-12-21 12:06:27
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