Chanukah Greetings my Czernowitz Friends!
First to Lucca: Thank you for surfacing again after a period of quiet!
You were a great inspiration to me when I first started to put the
Czernowitz-L website together. Your 'ramblings' painted a picture of
Czernowitz life between the wars that was at once happy and sad,
wonderful and terrible and always informative. Later, your family and
school photos filled the website with real people, who live again,
however briefly, every time somebody looks at them.
So Lucca, when you want to just say hello or share something -- we are
here, and this list is still the place to do what you do so well!
Other things: I thank each of you that has seen fit to contribute
whatever you could in the way of writing, photos, maps, spreadsheets,
documents, scans, personal pages, etc., to the website, so that we
second and third generation Czernowitzers could make better sense out
of our research and the lives of our ancestors. Please look around
in those boxes of old photos and documents to see if there is anything
that you would like up me to put up on the website. I've got an
enormous amount of space left on the server so lets fill it up, ok?
Two lists: I guess it is confusing and thanks to Mark for taking the
time to set it straight. I read the reunion list every few days, and
this list every day. I sense that there are people that joined the
reunion group without knowing that Cz-L existed. This is no surprise as
the search engines go through the Yahoo groups as well. So, if you see
someone posting genealogical or general Bukovina/ Czernowitz comments,
maybe we could suggest that Cz-L would be a better place for that post?
246 Listers on Cz-L: Wow... that is truly amazing! The last time I
recall, there were about 150. And this brings up posts by Danny and
Nina. There was a time when the list was small that we sort of had an
idea of who we all were. This doesn't seem to be the case now. Would
this be a good time to kind of re-introduce ourselves and where our
research efforts lie? To that end, I'll say that I'm the web person
Jerome Schatten, living in Vancouver, Canada. My gf was married in
Czernowitz in 1901; my father was born there in 1903 and came to NYC in
1908. My ggf and his father and other relatives are buried in the
Czernowitz cemetery. I have an abiding interest in the restoration of
that cemetery. I guess I'm a second generation Cz'er.
Finally, the restoration of the 'little hall' in the Czernowitz
cemetery: As you may remember from the post by Helmut Kusdat (2005
Archives, 23 August), that he was making a trip to survey the work that
needs be done to restore this hall. Helmut who has written and
published extensively on Czernowitz has sent me a CD of photos of the
'hall' taken from a perspective of designing a work plan. They are very
good photos, and I will be posting a number of them in the 'Cemetery
Projects' section of the website. It would be my hope that this
restoration comes to fruition and may serve as a starting point for work
in the rest of the cemetery.
Speaking of 'the hall', does anyone know what it is really called, and
whether it was actually used for funeral services?
Jerome - the webperson for Czernowitz-L
Received on 2005-12-21 17:06:27
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