Dear Czernowitzers,
A few days ago I was in Jerusalem and it was unusually cold.
One evening when returning to my hotel I said to the young man
who sat at the entrance to the hotel to check peoples bags as they entered,
that I felt sorry for him because he had to sit in the cold. He replied that
he was used to worse cold because he was from the Ukraine. I told him that I
too was from the Ukraine, so he asked me from where and I replied that I was
from Czernowitz. To that he replied: Czernowitz is NOT Ukraine, not only that,
but it is the most beautiful city in the world. This young man had been in a
group tour to Rome, the tour included an excursion to the Janiculum hill from
which one gets a view of all of Rome. He told me that standing on the
Janiculum, he said to his friend: Czernowitz is more beautiful than this.
Even though I do not agree, I felt like hugging him.
It is good to be a Czernowitzer and to have Czernowitzer friends!
Happy Chanuka to all and also happy goyish new year!
> To all of you who have roots in the City of my ancestors, Czernowitz, have a
> wonderful Happy Chanukah.
> Bruce Wexler
Received on 2005-12-26 08:57:44
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