Re: [Cz-L] Czernowitzer Morgenblatt

From: Nina Kern <>
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 11:04:57 -0500 (EST)

Dear Ms. Rostos,
I am compelled by your dilemma and congratulate you on your efforts. I
have a cousin in England whose Mother was Romanian and whose father's
roots are in Czernowitz - I will e-mail her this weekend and see if at
minimum she might be interested in at least communicating with you about
your work. She is fluent in German, Romanian, English, among other
languages. Thanks for letting us know what you are doing - I'm certain
others on the list will be extremely interested as well - there is a
wealth of knowledge in this list serv community..
Best wishes,

Jane Rostos wrote:


>other words, the sad truth is that priceless
>collections of numerous historical publications
>are slowly rotting away in no-access storage
>rooms, with only few people in Romania and
>worldwide sti!
> ll aware
> of their existence.
> Do make whatever you wish of this letter. If
>you judge that it does by no means concern the
>organization you represent, please disregard,
>i.e. delete it right away. If, however, you have
>an idea of how you could help me, then by all
>means please do so. Or, if you can think of
>anyone who might be interested in discussing the
>subject of the ÏMorgenblattÓ with me, please do
>forward my letter to him/her. In any case, I
>sincerely thank you for taking the time and
>trouble to bear with me thus far.

Received on 2005-12-30 08:42:46

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