Re: [Cz-L] cookbook project

From: Michele Troup <>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 11:02:19 -0700
To: "S.Carlile" <>, jerome schatten <>, czernowitz-l list <>
Reply-to: Michele Troup <>

Hello everyone, I am glad to start working on the Cook Book. I think one
way of having some variety and sections for recipes, a starting point. I
will ask that everyone send in their recipe for "borscht" or favorite soups
for the next couple of weeks, also if you could write a brief memory of it,
a few lines and the name of your Mother Aunt ect... who prepared it for you,
it then becomes more than just a recipe, it will be a legacy.
 "From Our Mother's Kitchens"
My Great gr.grandmother "Anna"died in Bucovina Czernowitz, her name almost
lost to the new Canadian generations (thanks to a step mother who forbid her
name spoken) My gr grand mother learned how to cook at her mothers side, and
I also at my mother's side, Soup and Challah are the first foods that I to
learned to cook.

 ANSWER:Yess..... I remember beet borscht, pirogi, sour cream & dill, all
soo... delicious please send your recipes.
Thanks Michele Troup

> Also, griessknockel suppe - I don't know any other name than that - it's
> with matzo meal and eggs made into a dumpling dropped into chicken broth.
> Another one my grandmother made was a nuss torte with NO flour and ground
> nuts with a marmalade filling and a thin chocolate frosting.
> Do any of these ring a bell with anyone? Thanks!
Received on 2006-10-19 13:26:56

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