HI Mimi
There was an other expression in Yiddish a kulwersorger which
meant a busy body
Rgds. Marcel
-------Original Message-------
From: <mailto:mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>Miriam Taylor
Date: 11/17/2008 7:56:35 AM
To: <mailto:sottovoce1_at_verizon.net>Ina;
<mailto:czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>Czernowitz Genealogy and
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] an essay on von Rezzori; hochstapler, schwitzer
Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <<mailto:mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
My two bits:
According to what I remember, in Czernowitz, the term "Hochstapler"
was used to describe someone who exaggerated his worth mostly
in order to boast, but also for financial gain.
The word "Schwitzer" I heard for the first time in Israel.
In Czernowitz we called someone self-important and "busy-body"
a "Roshekhul" derived from the Hebrew "Rosh kahal" (head of the community).
We also used the term "Kochloffel", for someone who got involved
in other people' business, thereby stirring up trouble.
Someone who claimed to be morally superior, but was not,
or hid his misdeeds behind an air of righteousness, we called:
"Chazer fissel kusher" (a kosher leg of pig).
Clearly we strove for perfection, particularly in others.
A little bit in ourselves as well.
Shavua tov,
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