The Czernowitz-L Archive by subject
- 600 Celebration
- 600 jubilee (expand pictures)
- [Cz-L] "The Czernowitz symphony" in Hartford, CT
- [Cz-L] 3 more directories from Edgar Hauster
- [Cz-L] 600 Album posted...
- [Cz-L] [E-Mail schreiben an: ZIUA pe Internet] - Incredible
- [Cz-L] A celebration of the life of Josef Schmidt
- [Cz-L] A New Member
- [Cz-L] A strange love story - Rabeinu Tam involved
- [Cz-L] a strange love story - Rabeynu Tam
- [Cz-L] a strange love story - Rebenu Tam
- [Cz-L] About tolerance in the Ukraine
- [Cz-L] Added poem to the Itzik Manger page
- [Cz-L] Addendum to "A Celeberation of the Life of Josef Schmidt"
- [Cz-L] Advice for Cora on film
- [Cz-L] afn pripetshik
- [Cz-L] again from Romania about Traian Popovici
- [Cz-L] Alte Schil
- [Cz-L] an essay on von Rezzori; hochstapler, schwitzer
- [Cz-L] Animals on the Ringplatz
- [Cz-L] Announcement
- [Cz-L] another book recommendation
- [Cz-L] aufn pripecheck
- [Cz-L] Authorization to publish 2 photos
- [Cz-L] Away
- [Cz-L] Birth Certificate
- [Cz-L] Blinzes , Kreplach and more
- [Cz-L] book
- [Cz-L] BRAVO MIMI !!!
- [Cz-L] Bukowina countryside
- [Cz-L] Celan
- [Cz-L] cemetery
- [Cz-L] cemetery project
- [Cz-L] Cemetery Vandalism
- [Cz-L] Change of E-mail address
- [Cz-L] Charles' Report: 3 days in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Cheremosh charity auction ball
- [Cz-L] Cheremosh Hotel
- [Cz-L] Chernivtsi Jewish cemetery (paving the main paths)
- [Cz-L] Clarification on my posting about Itzik Manger
- [Cz-L] Contributions towards paying for the plaque.
- [Cz-L] corrections
- [Cz-L] cz visit
- [Cz-L] Cz. 6oo
- [Cz-L] Czerno 600
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz Bahrynowicz studio family photos
- [Cz-L] czernowitz blog
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz on
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz picture
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz schools
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz South Circular.
- [Cz-L] Czernowitz wisdom
- [Cz-L] Die Stimme
- [Cz-L] Do we have a member in Vienna?
- [Cz-L] Dr. Julius Scherzer's talk on available for viewing
- [Cz-L] Dr. Rambler
- [Cz-L] Dumb Question
- [Cz-L] Egg Shampoo
- [Cz-L] Enigma
- [Cz-L] Ethnic Jewish music
- [Cz-L] explanations from Romania
- [Cz-L] Festival eve
- [Cz-L] Fire Brigade
- [Cz-L] Flower Clock
- [Cz-L] Foggy Turkenbrucke
- [Cz-L] Folklore Dance Festival
- [Cz-L] Food
- [Cz-L] Franzos
- [Cz-L] Franzos, Shantel
- [Cz-L] From 1924
- [Cz-L] from Cora Schwartz re location of Josef Schmidt outdoor concert in October '08
- [Cz-L] From the Ehpes collection
- [Cz-L] From the Ehpes collection (Czernowitz lady with Muff)
- [Cz-L] Galochka
- [Cz-L] Gaudeamus igitur.....
- [Cz-L] Geopolitics.
- [Cz-L] Ghetto plate (expand)
- [Cz-L] Girl with Doll
- [Cz-L] Good news...
- [Cz-L] great detals
- [Cz-L] Hanging day
- [Cz-L] hanuka-christmas
- [Cz-L] Hava Nagila
- [Cz-L] Help for Jetti Schachter - Transnistria survivor
- [Cz-L] Help to Identify...
- [Cz-L] Herrengasse
- [Cz-L] Herrengasse borderstones .
- [Cz-L] Herz Jesu Church
- [Cz-L] High res images of the Museum displays
- [Cz-L] hme/moldova
- [Cz-L] Information please
- [Cz-L] Itzik Manger
- [Cz-L] Itzik Manger - One of his most popular poems
- [Cz-L] Itzik Manger - One of his most popular poems/songs
- [Cz-L] Itzik Manger, revisited
- [Cz-L] Jewbukovina museum
- [Cz-L] Jewish Bukowina museum picture
- [Cz-L] Jewish Cemeteries Blog
- [Cz-L] Jewish Cemetery Vandalism.
- [Cz-L] Joel Fetter
- [Cz-L] Joseph Schmidt
- [Cz-L] Journey to Czernowitz.
- [Cz-L] Kaiser
- [Cz-L] Kashkubina
- [Cz-L] Kiselitza
- [Cz-L] Kvass
- [Cz-L] La Jolla Yiddish Clubs Conference Update
- [Cz-L] La Jolla, California Yiddish Conference
- [Cz-L] Last three Josef Schmidt arias
- [Cz-L] last!
- [Cz-L] Latest about the Popovici mem. Plaque
- [Cz-L] Let them come !
- [Cz-L] Letter from the Front line.
- [Cz-L] Look into the past
- [Cz-L] Ludwig (Arie) Kinsbrunner from Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Lupescu scandal (Expand)
- [Cz-L] mark warshawski
- [Cz-L] Mark Warshawsky recordings
- [Cz-L] Mary Schaechter
- [Cz-L] Masarikgasse
- [Cz-L] Mehlplatz
- [Cz-L] Mein Tate a coihen
- [Cz-L] Memorial Plates
- [Cz-L] Memories
- [Cz-L] Mendelsohn's "The Lost"
- [Cz-L] Military decrees--need clarification, please...
- [Cz-L] Money Changers
- [Cz-L] More for you. "Harvest of Blossoms" introduction now available at the Museum of Family History
- [Cz-L] More for you...
- [Cz-L] more Help Identify photos
- [Cz-L] More Josef Schmidt arias and more WJC webpages
- [Cz-L] More on the Scherzer and Mayer talks, etc.
- [Cz-L] More photos posted...
- [Cz-L] Museum and Holocaust inclusion
- [Cz-L] My Czernowitz roots
- [Cz-L] Names
- [Cz-L] new book
- [Cz-L] new book + new Book
- [Cz-L] New Ehpes member joins the club.
- [Cz-L] New in Help Identify/Find
- [Cz-L] New List Member: Joe Seidler
- [Cz-L] New Member
- [Cz-L] New Member (Popovici)
- [Cz-L] New PowerPoint show and...
- [Cz-L] Newbie
- [Cz-L] News
- [Cz-L] News from Chernivtsi
- [Cz-L] Newspaper clips
- [Cz-L] Newspaper clips-Rumanian's Ban Yiddish Tongue in Public Places
- [Cz-L] Newspapers
- [Cz-L] Next set of Josef Schmidt arias, and more wedding photos
- [Cz-L] ny times on russian + ukraine
- [Cz-L] ny times re Ukraine political situation
- [Cz-L] Old Gramphone Czernowitz record available
- [Cz-L] Old Picture.
- [Cz-L] Old Postcard
- [Cz-L] old time couple (expand)
- [Cz-L] On the streets of Cz.
- [Cz-L] Opening Jewish Museum
- [Cz-L] Other popular Yiddish children's songs
- [Cz-L] Our daily bread
- [Cz-L] Oyfin Pripetshik song
- [Cz-L] Oyfn pripetchik
- [Cz-L] Past/Present Album Posted
- [Cz-L] Phil Katz's recollections
- [Cz-L] Pioneers
- [Cz-L] Plaque, C. Lehaci, Cora
- [Cz-L] Plate Inauguration
- [Cz-L] Poems from Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Popovici
- [Cz-L] Popovici dispute
- [Cz-L] Popovici dispute.
- [Cz-L] Popovici memorial plaque
- [Cz-L] Popovici plaque
- [Cz-L] popovici plaque et plus
- [Cz-L] PowerPoint presentation-Cemetery Clean-up
- [Cz-L] Pripetchick
- [Cz-L] Pripetchik revisited
- [Cz-L] Public Baths in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Questions on spelling
- [Cz-L] Re Russian language blog
- [Cz-L] Re Schwitzbad
- [Cz-L] re songs
- [Cz-L] recommended reading
- [Cz-L] relations
- [Cz-L] Returning from Cz?
- [Cz-L] romanian book
- [Cz-L] romanian book.. more
- [Cz-L] Rose Auslander
- [Cz-L] Rose Auslander page now online
- [Cz-L] Rose Auslander page updated
- [Cz-L] Royal visit.
- [Cz-L] Russischegasse
- [Cz-L] Ruth Glasberg Gold to speak at UN
- [Cz-L] Sadzawka?
- [Cz-L] sayings
- [Cz-L] sayings "kannst mir den puckel runterrutschen"
- [Cz-L] Schwitz
- [Cz-L] Scoala Primara de Baieti
- [Cz-L] Shantytown
- [Cz-L] Shemen Oil in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Shopping
- [Cz-L] Shops in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Slight correction
- [Cz-L] Snow in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] songs
- [Cz-L] Songs of the working
- [Cz-L] Songs that were sung
- [Cz-L] Sound clip from eyewitness to the burning of the great Temple of Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Soviet period- Pioneers
- [Cz-L] Spelling corrections, pt. 2
- [Cz-L] Spelling help for Yiddish and German Language Newspapers in Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Stand in line....
- [Cz-L] Standing in line during the Soviet times
- [Cz-L] Summary of IAYC Conference
- [Cz-L] Sunflower seeds
- [Cz-L] Synaogue restoration
- [Cz-L] Synaogue restoration - the photographer's name mispelled
- [Cz-L] Tempel
- [Cz-L] temple
- [Cz-L] testing
- [Cz-L] thank you
- [Cz-L] Thankfully
- [Cz-L] Thanks
- [Cz-L] Thanks & Appreciation to Edward!
- [Cz-L] The Czernowitz Morgenblatt newspaper
- [Cz-L] The Czernowitzer Morgenblatt newspaper
- [Cz-L] The Great Temple of Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] The Ottawa Project of the Chernivtsy Cemetery
- [Cz-L] The picture
- [Cz-L] The Plaque
- [Cz-L] The site
- [Cz-L] The Songs of Mark Warshawsky
- [Cz-L] The Yiddish Policemen's Union
- [Cz-L] To all - HAPPY CHANUKA
- [Cz-L] To the czernowitzer
- [Cz-L] TOTO
- [Cz-L] Trafic
- [Cz-L] Traian Popoovici Bust-Donations.
- [Cz-L] Translation of article from the Romanian "Ziua"
- [Cz-L] translation of the song Oyfin Pripetshok
- [Cz-L] translations
- [Cz-L] Trion Popovici
- [Cz-L] trip
- [Cz-L] trip(
- [Cz-L] Two nice gifts for you...
- [Cz-L] Ukraine
- [Cz-L] Unveiling
- [Cz-L] Update on the IAYC talk transcript, and more....
- [Cz-L] Video clip
- [Cz-L] Violetera
- [Cz-L] Virtual Jewish Museum
- [Cz-L] Virtual museum
- [Cz-L] Virtual Museum.
- [Cz-L] VODKA (Expand)
- [Cz-L] Website advertising tours of Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Winter on Austriaplatz
- [Cz-L] Wolves
- [Cz-L] Wolves It's a werewolf!
- [Cz-L] women's names: Mizia, Gizia
- [Cz-L] World Jewish Communities: Czernowitz
- [Cz-L] Yiddish conference in La-Jolla California
- [Cz-L]Correction about the cost of the plaque.
- [Cz-L]digest: December 13,
- [Cz-L]English translation of "lomir zhe zingen" now online
- [Cz-L]Haunted House
- [Cz-L]Naftali Herc Kon
- [Cz-L]Popovici plaque more...
- [Cz-L]Re Rusische Gasse
- [Cz-L]Request info: Socoleanu family
- [Cz-L]Traian Popovici memorial plaque
- [Cz-L]Translation of description of Czernowitz from a website advertising tours of Czernowitz
- [Cz-L]Transliterated Yiddish version of Manger's "lomir zhe zingen"
- [Cz-L]Transnistria and Czernowitz - United Nations Holocaust Commemoration Day
- [Cz-L} New Building (Expand)
- Andy Halmay's Email regarding the unveiling of the Plaque
- AW: [Cz-L] temple
- Charles Rosner's information about the Tempel
- correct translation
- czernowitz-l digest: December 04, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: December 09, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: December 22, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: December 25, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: December 27, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: December 29, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: December 30, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 02, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 03, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 04, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 06, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 08, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 10, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 11, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 13, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 14, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 18, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 22, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 27, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 29, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: November 30, 2008
- czernowitz-l digest: October 28, 2008
- Fwd: [Cz-L] music for the song Oyfin Pripetshok
- Fwd: AW: [Cz-L] temple
- Glass lifting
- Ikh hob a kleynem yingele
- Museum
- News
- re [Cz-L] Hochstapler
- Religion
- Ringplatz
- The aftermath
- ukraine news