[Cz-L] Authorization to publish 2 photos

From: flo heymann <floheymann_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2008 21:38:52 +0200
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: flo heymann <floheymann_at_hotmail.com>

Dear all,
I have to propose some illustrations for an article written in French about=
 the Jewish spaces of Czernowitz for a scientific periodical "Les Cahiers d=
u judaisme". In addition to my illustrations, I would like to propose one p=
hoto of the new Jewish Museum and one of the Ringplatz during the festivitie=
s of the Jubilee. I have forgotten who has sent these photos to the list (Ha=
rdy, Cornell or somebody else).
The two documents are temporarily on the site
With all my anticipated thanks
Yours sincerely,
Florence Heymann
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