[Cz-L]Transnistria and Czernowitz - United Nations Holocaust Commemoration Day

From: Abraham Kogan <akogan_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 22:21:13 +0200
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: Abraham Kogan <akogan_at_netvision.net.il>

Dear all,
My former veteran Czernowitzer neighbour, Ms. Ruth Glasberg-Gold, was
invited to attend the special session of the United Nations General Assembly
on January 27, 2009 where she will speak about Transnistria and Czernowitz.
I do not know whether Czernowitzers living in the New York area could get
tickets to that event. I imagine most of you read her book "Ruth's
Journey" which was translated in several languages. For any arrangements
regarding the UN meeting or any other information I would suggest to contact
her by e-mail addressing it to: glasgold_at_bellsouth.net
At last, Czernowitz and Transnistria will be known to the entire world. I
imagine that the representatives of Arab countries and Iran will probably
boycott the meeting but I don't care.
Regards, Abraham K.

International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust

 27 January 2009

The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme was established by
General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005 to mobilize civil
society for Holocaust remembrance and education in order to help prevent
future acts of genocide. The Department of Public Information observes the
International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust
on 27 January each year with a ceremony and lecture in the General Assembly
Hall at United Nations Headquarters and around the world through its network
of United Nations information centres.

In keeping with the Outreach Programme's overall theme of "Remembrance and
Beyond", the event from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on 27 January 2009 will be
titled An authentic basis for hope: Holocaust remembrance and education.
This is a phrase often used by Professor David Hamburg, Chair of the
Secretary-General's Advisory Committee on Genocide Prevention, to assert
that genocide prevention is indeed within the capacity of humankind. This
theme will both honour the memory of the victims and recognize the positive
trend toward Holocaust education around the world, action by civil society
to promote respect for diversity, institutional support for combating
Holocaust denial and intergovernmental initiatives to help prevent genocide.


Opening Remarks: Under-Secretary-General, Department of
Public Information

                                                Master of Ceremonies (2 min)

Statements: - United Nations Secretary-General
(or video)

(all 2-4 min) - President of the General
- Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations

Cantor: Cantor Ya'akov Motzen, Shaarei
Shomayim Congregation in Toronto, the largest Orthodox Synagogue in Toronto
(5 min)

Liberator: WWII Veteran, Russian liberator
of the concentration camps (10 min)

Music: Mr. Elisha Abas, Russian/Israeli
Composer and Concert Pianist (10 min)

Testimony: Ms. Ruth Glasberg Gold, survivor,
Transnistria, Romania (15 min)

Music: Ms. Yoon Kwon, Korean violinist
(5 min)

Keynote speech: "Remembrance and Beyond: An Authentic
Basis for Hope", (20 min)

                                                Rabbi Israel Meir Lau,
Chairman of the Yad Vashem Council

Closing Statement: Under-Secretary-General, Department
of Public Information (2 min)

Music: Theme from Schindler's List for
violin: Ms.Yoon Kwon (5 min)

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