Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Dear Bondy and all members of the Cz.-List,
My understanding Romanian is not very good, but I believe your objection to
the use of the term "SI PROBABIL DE LA MOARTE" (meaning: and probable death)
is due to the fact that Transnistria was always considered a forgotten
"lager", where relatively few Jews died. You say that there are those who
deny the holocaust and that by writing "probable death", we confirm the
opinion, that we usually exaggerate when we talk about the holocaust.
"probable" means that the probability of something occurring
is more than 50%.
As far as I can ascertain, 185 000 Jews were deported to Transnistria, of
these, 50 741 survived, which means that 27.43% of those deported survived
and 72.57% died. (Butnaru: "The silent Holocaust")
Leaving out "probable death" and just mentioning the deportation, does not
give an idea of the scope of the disaster. It would be more misleading not
to mention the likelihood of death, than to say that it was probable.
I do not know the best way of fighting the deniers of the holocaust.
Perhaps I consider them a lost cause. When I visited the Holocaust museum
in Washington DC, a few weeks ago, I realized how people of diverse
background, age and education, could be taught about the holocaust and what
a tremendous influence what they saw had on them. A single plaque cannot
achieve the same.
Hopefully, there will some day, be a holocaust museum in Chernivtsi.
Hopefully, the exhibition in the Jewish Museum in Chernivtsi will give an
idea of the magnitude and the horror of what was done.
Please let's not discuss the wording of the plaque any further.
> I hope that it's not too late but I want to express my opinion, and I can do
> this properly only in romanian so if somebody can translate thanks...
> Fragmentul "SI PROBABIL DE LA MOARTE" mi se pare problematic si sensibil
> deoarece si asa "TRANSNISTRIA" a fost todeauna considerata un lagar "uitat"
> cu mai putini evrei omorati etc.
> Avem si asa destule probleme si cu cei care reneaga holocaustul si afirmatia
> unui grup de evrei care in vesnica lor corectitudine si autoacuzare afirma
> "PROBABIL MOARTE" da de fapt "apa la moara" celor care afirma ca "noi"
> Eu consider ca "A SALVAT DE LA DEPORTARE IN TRANSNISTREA" este suficient si
> concludent.
> Cu stima
> Bondy Stenzler
> Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu> wrote:
> Please excuse all the errors I make in designing the plaque.
> New concerns about the correctness of the Romanian inscription
> have surfaced.
> I may have to change the Romanian wording, yet again.
> The probable new wording, will contain one word less,
> in the longest line, thereby making the inscription narrower
> and will allow each letter to be wider.
> I may also make the plaque slightly higher (longer),
> so that it will be square (45 cm X45 cm) and the height of
> each letter will increase as well.
> Thanks to all who have offered to contribute to the payment for the plaque.
> It is difficult to collect money in different currencies,
> from people who live in different countries.
> If the cost of the plaque is $300 - $400, I will pay for it myself.
> If it is more, we'll make some arrangement later.
> Best regards,
> Mimi
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