Dear all,
It is unimaginable to me that the chernowitz's holocaust chapter will not be
expressed and extended as much as possible.
My grandfather died/murdered in transistria. My great grandfather
shot/murdered in a forest nearby chernowitz and 6-7 family members with him
by the Germans. All in all 22 of my very close family members murders in
and around chernowitz during the German occupation. The rest of the family
jailed in czernowitz ghetto and later on moved by the Germans to a prisoners
camp north of chernowitz which they manages to escape, part of them joined
the partisans and in part cross the Romanian border and to Israel.
I assume that such horrors were part of many chernowitzers those days. As
of now, the only remembrance for the horrors they have experienced is within
the holocaust archive in Jerusalem (Yad V'ashem) which I hold the evidences
acquired from them (the report with the special forms filled up about by
family survivors).
I am sure that the people of chernowitz deserve commemorating the suffer and
the lose inflicted on in the highest way possible.
No, I am not a holocaust survivor, but have no doubt that I am allowed to
speak for those of my lost family members that cannot speak for themselves
as I am the only direct family members alive.
Aaron Roll
Toronto, Canada
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bruce Reisch
Sent: April-01-08 8:20 PM
To: anna lenchovska; Josef Zissels;;
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Jewish Museum in Chernowitz
Dear Mr. Zissels:
Having heard of your efforts to establish a Museum of Bucovinian
Jewry in the city of Chernivtsi, I would like to take this
opportunity to write to you. My father's family originated in
Chernowitz, Sadgora and Radautz, and I was fortunate to visit my
Bucovina roots in 1998. I was therefore excited to hear of your
plans to establish a museum in time for the 600th Anniversary
Celebration this October in Chernivtsi. I am deeply grateful for
your efforts.
Yet my excitement turned to deep disappointment when I found out that
the time period covered would end before World War II. How can a
museum accurately depict history without reference to the sad fate
and demise of the thriving, intellectual, and accomplished Jewish
community, which helped create a culture of tolerance and growth in
Chernivtsi, and the rest of the Bukowina?
Just moments ago, I read your reply to Miriam Taylor, Alti Rodal,
Hardy Breier and Jerome Schatten, which was kindly transmitted by
Anna Lenchovska. I welcome the news concerning plans for a museum
devoted to the Shoah on the grounds of the Jewish Cemetery. Yet, as
Mr. Breier replied, a comprehensive exhibit that includes the
holocaust, even in the limited space of the former Jewish National
House, would be so much more preferable than an exhibit that avoids
coverage of the holocaust years.
I am the owner and moderator of the Czernowitz-L internet discussion
group, which has 350 members worldwide. Our members live now in
Europe, North America, South America and Israel, of course. Most are
either survivors born in Bukovina prior to World War II, or have
ancestors from Bukovina. This museum is of tremendous interest and
importance to us, and we stand willing to help. To garner the
greatest level of support from as many Czernowitz-L members as
possible would require satisfaction regarding the treatment of the
Holocaust and Transnistria. These events should not be ignored, in
my opinion, nor saved for coverage in other venues.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Reisch
Czernowitz-L list owner
Professor, Cornell University
Geneva, New York, USA
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