[Cz-L] Re: Macabi

From: <Coraschwartz_at_aol.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:49:34 -0500 (EST)
To: marcelruth_at_comcast.net, Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: Coraschwartz_at_aol.com

Dear Marcel
Regarding our email below: Thank you , thank you.....just what I needed.
Can you add some years to these facts please? Can be approximate of course.
Also, when you have time, can you tell me if you personally were involved in
these organizations? What did you play there? Most importantly, do you know
when any of these organizations, clubs or teams disbanded? And why? Or,
are any of them still in force?
No rush; I don't want to scare you away...when you have time only
P.S. where are you?
Hi Cora
Macabi was a sports club Zionist oriented. It had a soccer team,handball
team and provided gimnastic classes for teen agers for a fee.There was an other
sports club Jask ,leftist oriented with similar teams. There was a Rumanian
team Dragos Voda and a Ucrainien team Dobush.They all had their soccer
fields.Dragos voda was at the southern end of the Volgsgarten (the big park),the
others were near the river Prut
Rgds. And Happy New Year
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