[Cz-L] list vs. blog

From: Matt Friedman <mlfriedman_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 04:22:51 -0800 (PST)
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Matt Friedman <mlfriedman_at_yahoo.com>

Hi Everyone,

I have found this to be an interesting discussion, but
the most interesting comment was one from an
individual who preferred the list format as that was
the technology of comfort as opposed to the more
modern blog. Essentially it was saying "I prefer
radio to TV because I have always used the radio." I
find this comment interesting as I would guess that
many members of this list have only been using the
internet for 10 years or less. It seems that humans
have always been creatures of habit.... (A quick story
on this idea. Our synagogue adopted a new prayerbook
and a friend of my complained that he didn't like it
because it wasn't the prayerbnook he grew up with. I
responded by syaing, "David, you are 16 years old!
You can adapt to change.")

For the record I support using the list format. It is
well suited to our purposes. I have no problem with
blogs. I read some regularly. It is good to have
options. in this case I believe the the List to be
the best option.

Matt Friedman
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