Re: [Cz-L] Poems of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger -- translations

Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 15:32:37 -0500
To: Czernowitz-L <>,

Dear Irene and Helene,

In 1976 I received form my former teacher in Czernowitz, Prof. Hersch Segal
a transcription of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger's collection of poems
"Bluetenlese" and containing other relevant material about Selma. Prof.
Segal had also been Selma's teacher and he published this collection in
Rechovot in 1976, with his own means. In his dedication he wrote"...das
Schicksal von Selma, ihre Gedichte, die Zeichnungen von Krinitz, die
Czernowitzer Atmosphaere von 1940-1945..." . Prof. Segal also included a
picture of the "Haschomer Hatza'ir" taken in May 1940, showing Selma and
Leiser Fichmann, to whom she dedicated the "Bluetenlese".
Regarding your questions:
1. Page 50 contains the Yiddish original by Itzik Manger in Selma's
handwriting. The title is: 'Ech bin der weg ken marev", there is no date of

2. Page 49 contains the translation of "Schlaflied" by H. Leivick and part
of the original Yiddish in Selma's handwriting. The title is "Schluflid",
there is no publication date.

3. I cannot help with Discipol Mihnea. A cursory Internet search was
unsuccessful. "Discipol" is used in Romanian as the English "disciple" and
could have been a nom-de-plume.

I have a few clippings of articles about Selma: STERN No. 20, May 8, 1980;
AUFBAU (Beilage) May 30 1980; DIE ZEIT, January 23, 1981; also "Ein
Schlaflied fuer mich" translation into Yiddish and music by Leibu Levin. I
would gladly share these with you.

I also recall a radio-play about Selma on Swiss Radio, but I don't have
further details.

Success, with your translation, I already promised my granddaughter to get
her a copy.


Alfred (Fred) Schneider

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 3:19 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] Poems of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger -- translations

> Dear Czernowitzers,
> Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger grew up in Czernowitz and died in Michailowka
> camp in 1942. She left a body of 57 poems -- that somehow, miraculously
> survived. We are in the process of completing the translation of Selma's
> poetry into English for publication in Northwestern University Press's
> "Jewish Lives" series.
> In addition to her own poems, Selma translated five others into German and
> we will be including them in the volume. We are having trouble tracking
> down three of them and are wondering if anyone might be able to help.
> 1)One poem is by Itzik Manger called, in German, "Ich bin der Weg gen
> Untergang". We need to know its title in Yiddish as well as its date of
> publication.
> 2)The second Yiddish poem is by H. Lejwik, called Schlaflied" in German.
> also need its Yiddish title and date of publication.
> 3) The third poem is the most difficult. The poem is translated from
> Romanian. In German it is called "Daemmerung" and the author is listed as
> "Discipol Mihnea". We can't find any such person and wonder if you have
> idea who the author might be or what the name might refer to.
> We are Selma's cousins -- our mother, Hilda Schrager Silverblatt, is
> Selma's closest living relative -- and are absolutely thrilled that her
> poetry will be available to an English-speaking audience.
> We are grateful for your help.
> Irene Silverblatt and Helene Silverblatt
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