[Cz-L] Aharon Appelfeld writing about "My Czernowitz"

From: Yohanan <loeflery_at_netspace.net.au>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 09:11:29 +1100
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Yohanan <loeflery_at_netspace.net.au>

To the Czernowitz - l Digest.

The famous writer Aharon Appelfeld wrote an article "A city that was and is
no longer",
about Zvi Yavetz's book "My Czernowitz",
about his memories from Czernowitz and generally speaking about Czernowitz,
in the "Haaretz" newspaper from Israel. See in this link:

He also mentions Czernowitz in his article about Coffee houses in Jerusalem,

Enjoy the reading,

Yohanan Loeffler
Melbourne Australia
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