[Cz-L] The memoirs of Samuele Schaerf

From: Bruce Reisch <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2008 11:41:17 -0400
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: Bruce Reisch <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>

Dear Czernowitzers:

Jerome and I recently received an email from Prof. Carlo Schaerf of
the Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy. In it he said:

"My father Samuele Schaerf was born in Czernowitz on October 2, 1899.
He emigrated to Italy around 1920, married an Italian woman and
remained in Italy where I was born 1935.

After the war in 1946 he wrote his memoirs that I have rediscovered
recently and edited. They are written in Italian and I have the
handwritten original and the edited copies in an electronic file
(word) and printed on paper. I would be glad to send a copy to you in
the form that you think best."

After further correspondence, Prof. Schaerf provided us with an MS
Word document (in Italian) with his father's memoirs. He would like
to make it available to our list members, so if you send your request
to me, I will forward the document to you.

He writes further:

"They are made available to the online Czernowitz history/genealogy
discussion group under the conditions that they should be freely
available to scholars and people interested in the topic but with the
restriction that they will not be published in any language without
my previous written permission.

Some of the geographical names in the manuscript have not been
interpreted correctly. I would appreciate if your readers could
suggest to me their correct spelling.

I would appreciate very much if you or your readers could suggest
other archives that might be interested in this material and send me
their complete address."

I have already suggested the possibilities of offering these Memoirs
to the archives at Yad Vashem, or to the Central Archives for the
History of the Jewish People in Jerusalem. If you have further
suggestion, let me know and I'll forward to Prof. Schaerf.

Knowing how linguistically talented our group is, Jerome and I
proposed that we might be able to find a volunteer on the Cz-L to
translate the 26 page document into English, for potential posting on
our web site. Here is his response:

**********". . . However if you find among your friends a
volunteer to translate them into English I would appreciate it very
much but I would like to have the opportunity to read the translation
before it is posted on your web site."

Warmest wishes always, and Shabbat Shalom,


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